

Ask @Baesjin_

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Can i ask for your help? How do get rid of uneven skin complexion and dark spots?

There are various natural ways to get rid of uneven skin tone. Scrubbing is the best possible method for uneven skin tone. You can take to scrubbing as your regular routine. This helps to remove the dead cells from your skins surface. Though scrubbing can’t even out your skin color, it may help to lighten up your tone to some extent. One more method to improve uneven skin tone, is selecting makeup. Makeup can do wonders for any type of skin... and Increase your water intake and avoid carbonated beverages and greasy foods. Use a mild cleanser "harsh cleansers for acne can actually irritate the skin more" for dark spots, Rub a few drops of oil onto the affected areas until fully absorbed. You can also mix plain yogurt with lemon juice to make your own face mask that helps lighten scars and fight active acne. Hope this will help you✌

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