

Ask @Bethanhoran

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look what emma said?!?

ffs I know,she's right tho
he uses year 9's so he can push them into stuff,he uses them for sex and pictures,so yhh
he can fuck off bc everyone knows what he is like now
omg just hate him
Liked by: georgia xo

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what did he tell you then?!?

if you to know inbox me,I'm not saying it on here
But basically max gives fuck all about how he treats girls,he has no respect for them and all he cares about is his dick being sucked.

your really popular compared to zara so don't be friends with her will give you a bad reputation!!!

tbh I'm not going to stop being friends with someone bc there not popular
being popular isn't being a bitch...
Liked by: zara georgia xo

she's not good with friends she only has a few

so what if she's not popular or anything
she seems lovely to me
not going to judge her from what you say bbe
js x x x x
Liked by: georgia xo zara

and think they can get whoever they like at the click of their fingers

you know
and they do that thing where they look at you like your shit
and then later there smiling at you
its lyk,r u ok?
Liked by: georgia xo

I get you, or think they're like 1000 times better than everyone else

and act all hard and wont say anything to your face
Liked by: zara

how did you and max end

I told him he couldnt come round
so he told me to go fuck myself
so I said you were using me anyway its cool
then he said no I actually like you but you always blank me
and I said whatever
that's how it ended
pls s t o p with the questions about max
much love x x x x


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