

Ask @Bethanhoran

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you and taylor should go out

fck you.
would it be better if I told everyone I hated him
sorry tay:((

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you obviously fancy taylor ffs

I dont fancy taylor.
hes just a really good friend
when we say 'I love you' to eachother were saying it in a friendly way
I trust him with whatever thats why I love him
not because I want to go out with him
and even if I did why does it matter to you or anybody
its our business so just leave us alone.
if you want to find out who I fancy or any other intresting shit inbox me
dont expect me to write it on here for everybody to see
just leave people alone amd let them do what they want
Liked by: the other guy

Yes you fucking did

I nevrr said 'gina your fat'
I was just sticking up for alicia
dont say things and not expect them back
just like when you said izzy isaacs looks like e.t I shouted at you be ause she obviously dosnt

In pe

I never called you fat gina,
you said to alicia 'ew your legs are horrible'
so I said to you 'ew gina your legs are horrible'
I never called you fat, your just over reacting as usual,
Liked by: oliwia .Luke:)


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