

Ask @Bethanhoran

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we could get on if you and olivia change your names to that green lizard or that purple thing or the cow? and we could be a 'crew' together? just forget about last night delete all the questions you answered and all usmove on?

im sorry, for being rudde :((
its fine now but were mickey and minne mouse ehe,
thankyou anyway xo
Liked by: .Luke:) Nicole

To other doea: Who cares if they copied you, why dont u move over and act your own age! Your all being pathetic! Telling each other to go die, seriously you guys have a life some people dont get dont waste it bitching! X

I was only joking xo
Liked by: alicia

she physically abuses me and my dad does things I don't like talking about....I can't talk to any1 cuz they provide for me and I have nowhere else to go....i have no friends because of them either so im rly just stuck :\

inbox me on fb?

Ok so my mum always yells at me whenever she gets the chance to. She always try's and puts me down everyday she either tells me I'm adopted or calls me a slut and skank. She has made me feel wordless for nearly 5 years now. We don't talk to our extended family because of her. please help :(

Add your family on facebook get to know them
She's probably just under pressure and she dosnt mean it, be happy
Don't let her get to you, your amazing and perfect, smile bby :)

slowly massage the vag, then rub the clitoris every so gently. proceed to stick a single finger in the vagina, continue adding your fingers until your whole fist is in, slide your arm slowly into her, once you reach your shoulder, limbo in with your head and forcibly insert your other arm, torso and

ew you sick person

Hi there :) Like 30 of my answers and I'll like 30 of yours back, thanks! P.S. I followed you :P

Your first then

tbh i dont care what you think fo me and my friends...just its rude to nick our names and copy our edits:/ be bob the builder or fireman sam?theres loads ov other cartoon characters

we can be who we want
Liked by: rhea Matt

You put nah m8...clearly did call me mate and wooo love being a whore 5 boys a night hun and I would say it to your face but I live no where near you!

pipe the fuck down,
lol what 5 boys would go for you
Liked by: Matt oliwia


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