

Ask @CM2024

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You probably got my last shoutout about my parents but if you didn’t I get abused. If you don’t help me out right now I might end up in a mental institution or a orphanage. I’m not doing so good right now. I feel alone in this situation and I wish I could be happy.

AnnaElizabethChristopher’s Profile PhotoAnna
I really can't help u here. I would suggest that u contact a teacher or the police. Tell them what is happening to you. I'm sure they can help

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Empty promises. I'm so tired of your empty promises. I can't do it anymore.

I don't even know u..😆

What do you hate to cook, but love to eat? Why?

AskKeishaJ’s Profile PhotoKJay
I like to cook. I burn things occasionally, food, fingers etc. But I like to cook🙂

how many times do you eat a day?

Lcottrill’s Profile PhotoLauren
I bigger meal. Usually dinner, a small lunch. And maybe occasional snacking if I'm up 😄


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