

Ask @Carmen4333

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Pretend I'm your ex what would you say to me?

Oooh this is gonna be a little long.
After everything that has happened, I realized, I wasn’t happy with you anymore. It’s sad to say but it’s the truth. I just couldn’t let things go and it upset me deeply. It got to the point where I just fell out of love and gave up on you… You had never understood me anyways and when I found out about her, it absolutely broke my heart.
I know I’m no saint and I have done things wrong myself, I just wish you had told me. It would have saved a lot of heartbreak.
That being said, I wish you both nothing but happiness and I’m truly happy for you.

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Stop wasting your 20s trying to find love, go get rich

I mean you’re right but also what if you already found love?

Hey guys can you please help me out at my work my best friend Sarah she is a supervisor not me but she call me her peanut what is that mean ??

I suppose she means a friend
Liked by: Allison Marie

Are you celebrating the 4th this year?

To be honest, I’ve debated on not celebrating this year but I don’t know. We might end up celebrating. It entirely depends on what the family does cause if it’s here at the house, I don’t have a choice

i can't hide this anymore , i'm sad . i want to cry . my heart is heavy asf.😔😔depression ain’t no joke

I don’t know you but I’m cheering you on. Depression ain’t no joke. You got this

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What kind of music do you listen to??

I listen to a lot of things. I’ve been listening to a lot of country lately. I grew up on it and gospel music. Asides from country, I love rock and pop a lot. Classical music as well. I’m always looking at YouTube or Spotify for potential new music

Do you consider all girls as sexual objects?

The heck? No. Same with guys. I don’t see it that way at all

Is it normal to start getting gray hairs at the age of 30?

I’m 26 and I have a couple of grey hairs. Yes, it’s normal. Nothing to be ashamed of

Can people ask you anything

It depends exactly what you mean by anything. I’ll try to answer. If I don’t like the question, I’ll simply ignore it


Language: English