
Chol Tong

Latest answers from Chol Tong

I'll give you a VIP on askfm so what what do you can to do for me?🤤

All your base are belong to us.

I really wanna talk to Odell Beckham Jr but I don’t know how to catch his attention. Any ideas?

Run on to the field while he’s playing.

How does it make you feel that I'm the only girl that has ever figured out your secret do you hate me for it?


What are music genres that dont have slow instrumentals? Most always upbeat or cheerful in rhythm & lyrics?


My friend says he's sad that his wife is now 'hotwife', what does that mean? Why would he be sad?

Maybe she became gorgeous and is now attracting attention from others, and that’s why he’s sad? 🤷🏿‍♂️

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