
charl Rae Elle ✔

Ask @CharlREllis

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Your boobs are not even big look about a C

Well I never claimed they was? I've actually lost boob weight but they deffo ain't a c now stop looking at my tits

Haha don't be a slowpoke! i think i got my last spanking around the age of 14! was yours also around that age?

I dunno

Haha me too! xD it's cool to talk to you! i think i got my last spanking for talking back around the age of 14 HAHA! when was the last time you got a spanking by your parents?

I don't actually remember haha! I'm 20 now so last spankin I had was of a boy ahah!

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Did you ever run away from home?

Yeah my case I use to pack wer the jokest, once I took a packet of penguins and 34 pairs of pants.

Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?

well this is awk, I have a iPhone with double sided camera so the answer will always be infront

Are you the kind of person who wants to be the big fish in a little pond or the little fish in the big pond?

Little fish in the big pond.

What slang word or phrase do you love to use?

I constantly use slang so dunno what's slang n what ain't to be hon


Language: English