
charl Rae Elle ✔

Ask @CharlREllis

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A sentence you post, For the one you Love the most =) (STAIF)

I don't think I get it? (I'll try so what I think you mean tho) mum, thank you for everything, being my mum dad,chef, hairdresser, doctor, maid, everything, love you x

How many people do you consider your "best friends?"

The ones a class as family, my sister Beercan, and my cousin tillzo! they have both been in my life such a long time where as others come and go,
Liked by: 1917

Can you truly love more than one person?

Of course you can! There's different types of love, you love your family and friends, you love your boyfriend/girlfriend. some people love their ex's while they have a new partner they also love,u can love as many people as you like it's just not morally right to admit it.
Liked by: 1917

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Who's the little boy your always with is he your son? There's a girl too but she looks to old to be yours

No their just my friends kids who I look after x
Liked by: 1917

Y u not answering my other question about Joshua

Y u asking me personal questions about my ex's ex? ask him, or don't find out, his business isn't my business, and obviously isn't yours. If you think he'd tell you his business private message him like I said..?
Liked by: 1917

What's Joshua Pople ask fm babe? Want to ask him something?

I don't know do I ffs, if you know his name why don't you inbox him, I said I like him better than my x didn't say I was bffl with him, or going to marry him did I,
Liked by: 1917

So your ex is a batttyman?

Who even knows! Apparently not but he changes his mind more than Katy Perry. Prob just who he scrounges of tbh,
Liked by: 1917

Who's the ex boyfriend your on about?

if you don't know already, then I ain't going to tell you, it's embarrassing.
Liked by: 1917

Why are you and your ex boyfriends ex boyfriend pally? isn't that weird?

Ffs ere we go! No it's not weird! I like him better than my "ex boyfriend" if that's what you want to call it, got a lot in common, both made the same mistake din we.
Liked by: 1917

R u a catfish

Yh top catfish Me, do u not thnk if I was prentending to be someone I'd use better photos.
Liked by: 1917

when you are in public place to wash your hands, do you turn the water off after washing your hands, or just leave the water running?

Use anti bac gel instead
Liked by: 1917

List 3 places you would love to make out.

Make out LOL? Is that kiss? And I dunno on a beach or something x3, 😂
Liked by: 1917

If someone offer himself to be your slave,will you accept it?

No It's weird people av offered before no thanks
Liked by: 1917


Language: English