
charl Rae Elle ✔

Ask @CharlREllis

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Do you regret anything?

I want to, but no I don't! I learn from my mistakes! Everything that I've done and I've been through has made me who I am today,

Who do you respect the most?

I respect anyone who fights for what they believe in even if their fighting alone, I respect single parents, taking on the role of both and still doing a better job! I respect people in the army putting their lives on the line because the governments a Mong and would rather risk life's than come to a decision. I respect councillers, they probably have their own problems but sit and listen to yours, I respect a lot of people, if you give me respect I'll respect you back ok

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When you dance, you look like…?

a total and utter idiot, but who gives a fuck. I dance for fun not to be a robot or fucking shakira...

What do you do when you’re angry?

Depends who with. a lot of the time I control of but other times I'm not too good and end up flipping

If your plane was about to crash, who would you want sitting next to you?

I'd want their to be a plane full of mirderers and pedos and stuff, because I believe nooone else apart from people like this should suffer

What would someone have to do to make you dislike them immediately?

Bitch about someone else! Can't stand bitchiness!x

How would you like to be remembered?

You mean if i wer to die? I dunno if like people to remember good things about me and for every person that knows me I hope they have at least one good thing they could say, I'm not saying forget me when I'm gone, but please don't cry! don't get upset! if wer close just think of the good times we had and not the bad thing that happend! x
Liked by: Ria Ox

What have you learned from your past?

your gonna get judged no matter whether your a saint or sinner, so live life to the max


Language: English