
charl Rae Elle ✔

Ask @CharlREllis

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What scares you?

Oh god erm..
big barky dogs
Wierd people
Quiet people
Slimey things
Trees that look like people at night
people with monobrows
Swallowing my tongue.
scary films.
sharp tools
The thought of being bacon slapped.
Things falling on my head.
being locked up in small spaces
Near enough everything basically...

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If you were going to get a tattoo, what would it be and where?

I wouldn't get a tattoo, because I constantly change my mind! But I've seen a few I like, one with an anchor saying "I refuse to sink". Some with them pretty little birds on saying " sometimes you have to fall before you fly" and another one saying "stay strong" looks good but sounds shit, I love tattoo's like that tho!

What annoys you the most?

when my mum forgets to put sweetner in my coffee because if you do it after it just sits on the top :(!!!!

Where did you meet your best friend?

I don't have a bestfriend anymore really, I'm close to Parisha and Shan? known Parisha years and met Shan through Ashleigh?

What causes you to panic?

I'm constantly having panic attacks over daft stuff, some get really bad. It's normally stupid stuff like I get dehydrated and can't swallow then I try swallow and panic over swallowing my tongue.. that's like the most common one I have tbh.

That's lies you fucked a guy at your mates party on the bouncy castle

that's also lies, it was in a tent but yeah was including that in my 7 you inner bitch...


Language: English