
ha gaaay

Ask @CiaraaK211

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where you going on holiday ??

and then I come back and the next day I go to Spain!
I love summer;)

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Best friend (I have more than one but);
Her names Kennedy
She came to my 7th birthday party
We've been together for 8 years
I trust her with my life
She's beautiful
(Extra: our mums have known each other their whole lives(y) )
Liked by: Kennedy Ward

Fine, grey >.>

;) my favourite things;
Well, spending time with my friends is one of my favourite things
Music is my other (music is life)


My childhood;
I was fat
I got bullied loads
I did karate and swimming for like 3 months lol
My parents split up twice and got back together
I grew up with Kennedy
I moved 6 times
Norcot Nusery was the best;))
Liked by: Kennedy Ward


My room;
It's white and cream
It's horrible
The carpet is about 70 years old
I have pink curtains
The bathroom cuts into it so its smaller fs
I have black and white bedding
It's a shit tip
I have a tv
I have 3 posters
I have a Justin bieber calendar:/:)))))))))))))))££££

Sometimes I wonder if anyone cares about me at all

I felt like this last week I had a crying fit at school, you'll realise people do care about you! they might not show it and you may feel second best all the time but I PROMISE there is at least someone that cares about you

That was jokes! I remember it clearly!x

yeah ahaha, it's mental I found my top and it's double my size....x


Language: English