
ha gaaay

Ask @CiaraaK211

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crush? phobias? celebrity crush? favourite song at the moment? 3 things you love? 3 things you hate?

Crush;Urm, the boy I like's a prick I'm not saying his name..
Phobias; mirrors, spiders and I'm claustrophobic((:
Celeb crush; Justin Bieber (((((((:
Fav song; boyfriend acoustic-Justin Bieber
Love; - My friends
- laughter
Hate;- awkward situations
-shanna coz today
- people who are stuck up their own fucking arses, thinking they're better than everyone else when they're actually just fucking attention seeking whores who think the whole fucking world revolves around them "perfect" fucking selves.
Liked by: Lisa Jack knox

u said no one is ugly and its true no one is ugly and that means ur not ugly either so hush up bc ur so pretty and perf omg

Perfect? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no. I'm completely the opposite.
I meant no one is ugly as in my friends..
Liked by: Lisa


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