
ha gaaay

Ask @CiaraaK211

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If you had to choose a type of color that you thought represented yourself, which would it be?

Black or blue idk

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Your insanely pretty! Like seriously xD I wish I could look like youuu ;*

Awh thankyou!:D you don't though..x

10 prettiest girls from your primary school?

Ahahah. Every girl except me. Ahahhamjks
my year; Cherie+Mary tingle no doubt, Shauna ward, Ciara wooller, Emma Holder, Kennedy Ward, Stephanie dixon-todd, Enya
Year above; Jenny Snape, Laura Mugford idk

10 prettiest Theale year 9 girls on looks alone honestly

No order;
Amber lyall,Lisa,Beth stent,Mary tingle,Nell, Caitlin mayhew, Lauren Pilkington,Charlotte capel, Alice Chaplin, Louise sheppard

She literally stalks people, if I say we're friends she will keep doing it

Tell herthatshes weird,report her idk

Okay so this is a different person, a girl at my school fancies me. But I love one of her best friends, I don't know what to do, the girl who likes me literally stalks people home o.O and her friend likes me as well. What the fuck should I do?!

Oh god O.o Idk what you should do.. Tell them that you're friends, let them down easy:L

What do you think about a guy who ignores a girl just cause she has a huge crush on him? I'm in that situation right now /: ever since I told him I liked him he totally avoids me.

Well he's an idiot, he's probably shocked or idk maybe like a you?:/ And I know you probably really like him, just leave it. Of anything happens it will take time.
Least he's not stuck up his own arse

What shops are there in town to get long sleeved dresses?

urm topshop?new look?miss selfridge? h&m? idk

What is happiness for you?

relaxing in a room or field; surrounded by my friends - the ones that i'm comfortable around, the ones I trust, the ones that don't make me nervous; laughing my head off and forgetting about everything bad:')
Liked by: Lisa

What makes you nervous?

speaking infront of people, speaking in front of NEW people - like at all, I hate being with new people, doing anything infront of new people, injections, diving boards, HEIGHTS, sleeping, just before im about to do a performance

is that what that bitch said, ew kill her she hated me so i give you full permission

brb going to get a lorry to run her bike over..
yeah, she gave me ones on my report while saying it, I was like no.
"you've been rude this year I don't understand why"

i agree alex harper is just really cool derri is just a queer also i had miss clark for learning for life last year, her weakness is silence, just look at her in dead silence and she will get pissed ur welcome for revealing her kryptonite

Thankyou so much. "You're such a nice girl ciara, you've just got to try hard."piss off.


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