
ha gaaay

Ask @CiaraaK211

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How would you describe yourself?

How would I describe myself, good question.. I don't see myself as pretty sometimes might if I've done my hair and make up but I really don't see what my friends say they see.. I guess I'm a thoughtful person. I over think way too much, about everything-seriously. sometimes I can be very selfish and not a good friend, friend I try my hardest not to be,but yeah.. If you're nice to me, I'll probably like you, but sometimes first impressions stick and I won't forget it.I like to be friendly and good to people, and I try to help out people if I can.. I'm trying to be a better person. I think I'm annoying and can SO cringey sometimes. I give alot of advice to my friends, mainly relationship advice-even I've never had one:// I'd say I'm pretty unlikeable tbh, my sense of humor is strange and I can get really annoying.. sometimes I can be really sociable but other times I'm really reserved. Urm some days I have good days l, sometimes I have bad and its bad because I can go on extreme highs and extreme lows in a split second; and I never know hoe I'm going to feel when I wake up in the morning.. I dunno what else yeah..

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Liked by: Tash Amy Stratton

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what do you honestly think of shanna?

Shanna is beautiful, she is has such and amazing personality and sense of humour:D
I never thought I would be friends with her but this year we have became great friends and I'm so glad. She has made me so much more confident and I'm genuinely so grateful for it. Recentley she has helped me and she doesnt even understand how much I need someone like her atm. she is such a strong person herself, and is geniunely so down to earth.
The things she comes out with are ridiculous and I'm confused half the time, but we do have banter. She is completely stunning GGIGgiGIHWHOHOJOauish
and I'm jealous of her eye colour.. Yeah:')

A few names of people who put on a brave face or have tough lives and insecurities? x

Holly, Amber, Shanna and Lisa are the strongest people I know. They have problems, yeah, but they are always smiling and having a laugh-even if they're broken.
Liked by: Lisa

When you are under stress, do you prefer to be alone or do you seek comfort in friends?

alone-gives me time to think
but if I get low, I seek comfort yeah

What is the best way to deal with stress?

This is a complicated question because I'm not in the right frame of mind atm..

I'm holly's friend so you don't know me, but I just wanted to say that your SO pretty! And you seem really funny and nice C:

Aw Thankyou, this is really sweet(:

Opinion on Bambi? ;)

I love Amber.
She is utterly stunning and has a personality to match. She has a pure heart of gold and im so proud to call her my friend. I wish I looked like her SERIOUSLY omg. We have such amaziby sense of humors and ah idk:')

Why do you like jack if he is a dick to you?

I don't feel comfortable answering that mainly because if I did answer he'd probably laugh at what I put..
Liked by: Kennedy Ward

What makes someone attractive?

Nice hair, nice eyes, nice smile
Good personality, loyal, trustworthy, sometimes sweet

You should start telling people what you think of them. Your getting no were pretending to be someone's friends

If you tell me who you are, it might make me less confused?
I'm sorry that I don't tell people my opinions of them, but I try and keep everyone happy.I NEVER pretend to be someone's friend, I've had that done to me too many times.

choose shanna because i wouldnt want to be in a room with lorna... she'd probably end up killing and eating me

Hahahaha omg. Nell. Hah AdironDaCk f2f s
Liked by: Lorna fray

I have been really depressed and stuff and i started self harming and i dont know what to do im saying this to you i dont even know you i just found a random account on here bc i need to tell someone and that person was you and idk dont listen to me

I'm pretty sure I can help you if you tell me who you are we can talk over Facebook: http://facebook.com/ciara.kisluk.X or something?I'm glad that you could even say it to someone random, I know how hard it is to tell someone-even if you don't know them.

If you were trapped in a room, which two friends would you like to be in there with ?

LORNA, because she would know what to do because of her brains
And urm either Nell or shanna because they are both fucking hilarious.
Liked by: Lorna fray


Language: English