
Dustin DeLuca

Ask @Dusty_D

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COMPLIMENT! Dusty holy scrot I have so much to say, I'm gonna just run through the basics by saying you are definitely one of my best friends and shanghai will blow if you leave next year. I admire your ability to get to know people fast as lightning and always be there for your buds! <3 <3 <3

BenCherry98’s Profile PhotoBen Cherry
shit mayn this means so much thank you <3
Liked by: Ben Cherry

three people you want to be better friends with

Honestly theres too many to just put 3. I havent even been here for a year so theres still a ton of people i want to get to know better

My hopefully not futile attempt to bring some positivity to ask.fm ... Pick someone you don't know very well.. maybe someone you don't know at all or have never talked to before, and give them an honest compliment. You'll be surprised- the smallest thing can make someone's day.

Kinda cheating cause i know him pretty well but Chris McCollough is actually one of the most genuinely nice guys i know. We always make fun of him for one reason or another but he never says anything in return and even after everything we say to him he can never hold a grudge against us. he just sits back and takes it, then comes to school the next day like nothing ever happened with a huge smile on his face. takes a real man to do that. kid doesnt deserve half the shit we give him. hands down one of the nicest guys i know.
and he's big.


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