

Ask @E3kHatena

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What’s your favorite movie?

Boringly, I think my answer is Citizen Kane. The way that when it’s not doing magic tricks in single shots it’s giving you this intriguing tale of a man’s wealth and power ruining his life as seen by the many people he wronged and the thus complete loss of the narrative of the one time he was truly loved is powerful.

can you count how many selfies you've taken in your life?

Not precisely but my brain says somewhere like 700 < X < 1000

Why are wedding dresses so expensive? The prices are outrageous. You can't find a dress that's cheaper than $1000 apparently. Not one that is decent looking and isn't made of polyester.

The wedding industry charges incredible prices because they typically only get your business once. Cakes, toppers, decor, rings, bouquets, and outfits are sold at an incredible premium.
https://youtu.be/O5BeLinyfpgE3kHatena’s Video 175240786591 O5BeLinyfpgE3kHatena’s Video 175240786591 O5BeLinyfpg

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Should non binary people be allowed to have children?

grandmasterqtipp2’s Profile Photonicholas
Yeah? Of course. Plenty of em have working genitals; hormones and/or bottom surgery aren’t a requirement. It’s down to the personal preferences of the enby in question.
Liked by: NiceSky938

Where are all the beautiful Asian woman at?

There’s this really cool continent you might be interested in with a population of over 2 billion!

Why did people in the past look so old compared to people today? 30 year olds back then looked like 50 year olds today.

Western styles emphasizing youth, leading to both a blooming cosmetics industry and the proliferation of plastic surgery. Another key component to consider is that on the whole, there’s less of a toll being placed on the modern body, with lead and coal gas lamps being increasingly rare.

If you had a choice, would you experience living a life in the opposite gender or just staying the way you are?

I already did this by starting estradiol back in December ‘22.

Do you consider video editing substantial enough to become a long-term career? If so, where would a good place to start be?

It could be but there’s a lot to editing. Select a focus and go deep in it, but get a broad toolset as well, a T-shaped investment. Color correction, VFX, audio mixing and rotoscoping are the focuses that professional editing work are looking for and honestly filming and editing skits with specific key shots to create in mind can be good practice.

How do you like your glizzy?

Semiautomatic, long slide 9mm with tritium sights and an underbarrel laser. Chicago Style without sport peppers is my second-place pick.

How don’t you grind?

Grinding is gonna kill you, mate. We’re seeing the whole world slide into fascism again. Taking three jobs and turning your hobbies into side hustles is just wasting your time to feed a machine that wants to see you dead. Enjoy your time. Hang out with friends. Hold hands and go on a date. Build a fire and tell stories.

You lost your V to a man or a woman or trans?

“Trans” is an adjective you attach to one of those (transmasc/transfem, trans woman or trans man) to denote they are transgender, it’s not some third option (agender, non-binary, genderqueer, or genderfluid could be considered a “third” option if you squint), and even then I’m asexual and haven’t fucked so this is just me being a pedant.

When you look at a glass half filled with water, do u see it a half full or half empty? 🤔

It depends on if the glass was fuller but was partially emptied, or it was emptier but is now partially filled.

Are you capable of murder?

Physically, yes, but not psychologically or emotionally, and those in effect frame my morals and keep my ability to do harm in check.

In a week, how often do you drink alcohol 🥃?

I have had a drink exactly three times in the six years since I could start and two of those were under an ounce of alcohol each.
Cannabis, on the other hand, works out to between 4-7 times a week :|

Toilet paper or wet wipes?

Wet Wipes raise hell on septic and sewer systems. They’re flushable only in that the suction force of a flush can pull them in; they don’t break down at all like normal toilet paper does. Buy a cheap bidet and install it to your toilet if you use wet wipes.

Was the attempted Trump assassination staged or real deal ?

We don’t know Crooks’ goal with the shooting as he was shot himself but he absolutely did fire his rifle. The sustained injury matches that of someone who got grazed, that usually leaves a long but shallow wound, and the ear is so thin that even a shallow wound can bleed like crazy.

Why is space dark? Don’t answer with “its the absence of light” Tell me why?

PrincessA199856453’s Profile PhotoPrincessA1998
There’s nothing for that light to reflect off of. You need a certain density of gas to refract and diffuse that light or surfaces to bounce off of. Space is a near-vacuum, there’s just not enough for the light from the stars to interact with so you can really only see the surface of the stars themselves and any surfaces facing towards those stars

Wish people would just ask the person they want to ask, without shouting out to everyone. It's hard to tell who you are and well. Nobody likes bullshit. 🤣

AppetizingAsh333’s Profile PhotoSerena —Thick'ems
Many of this site’s users migrated from Whisper where trying to start double-blind, anonymous beef was the norm. The site as-is has troubles with onboarding and people try to use it like Twitter or the like, and this is an added wrinkle that changes how the site is used and perceived.

Why does a lot of the older generation think interacial relationships won’t work and why it’s a problem I never gotten a really answer ? They can’t even answer it . Is it because it’s a different culture is that why they think it won’t work different perspectives ?

Loving v. Virginia was passed in June 1967, making interracial marriage legal in over a dozen US states. Much of the US’ anti-miscegenation laws prior were the result of fundamentalist Christians and white supremacists, on account of a botched and rushed reconstruction following the Civil War.

Do people still bet today? I feel like that's so 1990.

Sports betting sites are by far the biggest way most casual enthusiasts interact with sports thanks to the betting sites offering enticing offers on sign-up designed to addict their userbase.


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