
Morgan (:

Ask @EliteMg

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Would you rather be with the crush of your dreams or have an infinite amount of your favourite food?

People who I don't know should hmu bc I love meeting new people, but don't pull some stupid shit and pose as someone else like 90% of the people who talk to me Kay thanksssss❗️❗️❗️
Liked by: Charlie Jordan

If you had the opportunity to go somewhere and start a new life, where would you go? What job would you have? And how do you imagine your house there?

Someone should really hmu because I'm bored asf and love meeting new people, plus I can be pretty entertaining I guess 🙃

If someone will massage you what kind of massage do you like?? I prefer giving a japanese massage. 😉

Idk my neck is stiff asf but I'm down for a massage tbhhh
Liked by: Charlie Jordan


Language: English