
Fazbear Entertainment™

Ask @EternalPackage

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What summer shoes do you find the most comfortable?

Our most recent addition to the holiday entertainer line of animatronic characters, Easter Bonnie.
Liked by: EhsonR Dorster

What is beautiful to you?

Our second recent addition to the Fazbear Entertainment franchise, Chocolate Bonnie. (Note: not actually made out of chocolate)

Go something funny ?

Apologies for the inconvenience, but due to the actions of the world governments and the CDC, Fazbear Entertainment was unable to be here in time to announce the three holiday animatronic entertainers that were released in recent months. We shall remedy this by showing them anyway, starting with our St. Patricks day animatronic, Shamrock Freddy.

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Yeahhhh so I bought a plushie form you guys the other day and now it’s trying to kill me? -cough cough- and now I’m just concerned.

Biff121’s Profile PhotoBiffarino
... ... ... Help is on the way.

Yes hello! I am currently having trouble with a product I have recently purchased!

Biff121’s Profile PhotoBiffarino
Hello, hello! Welcome to Fazbear Entertainment's™ Customer Service Program. How may we help you today?

Read books or watch TV shows in quarantine? #StayAtASK

Fazbear Entertainment™ would recommend browsing and purchasing items from our various product catalogues instead, so we can h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶m̶o̶r̶e̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶m̶o̶n̶e̶y̶ increase our customer satisfaction rates and continue serving up smiles!


Fazbear Entertainment™
(̸O̷m̸i̸t̸i̷d̸o̶:̸ ̴S̵e̴ñ̴o̸r̷,̶ ̸e̶s̵ ̴l̸a̴m̴e̶n̸t̶a̸b̸l̴e̸ ̵q̶u̶e̸ ̵e̷l̴ ̴d̷e̷s̵a̴r̸r̸o̶l̵l̷o̵ ̵a̴g̶r̴í̶c̸o̴l̴a̵ ̵e̷n̴ ̸m̸a̷s̸a̴ ̷(̶o̴m̵i̵t̶i̶d̷o̴:̸ ̴n̶o̷)̸ ̶s̵e̸ ̴a̶c̴e̷l̵e̴r̴e̷ ̴m̵e̵d̵i̴a̴n̴t̵e̵ ̶u̶n̶ ̶u̸s̵o̴ ̸m̶á̷s̵ ̴c̸o̸m̸p̸l̷e̴t̶o̴ ̷d̷e̸ ̷s̸u̶s̸ ̴m̶a̷r̶a̸v̵i̷l̵l̵o̴s̷o̵s̸ ̵m̸e̷c̸a̵n̶i̶s̴m̶o̵s̵.̵ ̷¿̶N̵o̶ ̵s̸e̵r̴í̵a̶ ̵f̵á̴c̵i̵l̷ ̷e̶m̷p̸l̷e̷a̸r̴ ̴a̴l̵g̸u̷n̵o̶s̵ ̷d̸e̷ ̴e̸l̶l̵o̷s̶ ̷e̵n̴ ̷e̴x̷p̵e̴r̵i̵m̶e̷n̴t̵o̶s̶ ̷d̴e̸ ̷l̴a̵b̵o̸r̵a̴t̶o̴r̵i̶o̴ ̴r̷á̸p̵i̷d̴o̶s̸ ̶p̵a̴r̷a̵ ̸i̴n̵d̴i̶c̷a̵r̵ ̵l̵a̷ ̸i̷n̴f̴l̵u̷e̷n̷c̶i̴a̴ ̸d̶e̵ ̸v̷a̴r̶i̵o̴s̵ ̵t̶i̸p̸o̴s̶ ̶d̸e̶ ̴f̵e̵r̶t̸i̴l̸i̷z̶a̷n̷t̶e̶s̸ ̸e̷n̵ ̷e̸l̴ ̸c̸r̸e̴c̵i̶m̵i̶e̴n̷t̶o̶ ̴d̸e̵ ̷l̵a̸s̶ ̶p̸l̸a̴n̸t̶a̶s̴?̵ ̵T̶i̶e̸n̸e̵s̶ ̸r̷a̸z̶ó̵n̴.̵ ̷I̷n̷n̴u̶m̸e̸r̸a̸b̴l̵e̷s̶ ̷u̸s̷o̸s̸ ̶(̸o̸m̸i̸t̴i̷d̶o̴s̵:̴ ̸d̶e̸ ̷l̶o̵s̷ ̶i̴n̴s̵t̵r̷u̵m̸e̸n̸t̷o̸s̵ ̵B̶o̴s̴e̴)̴ ̴s̶e̴r̵á̴n̶ ̴r̴e̷a̷l̴i̴z̶a̵d̷o̴s̴ ̸p̵o̵r̵ ̸l̴o̶s̵ ̶f̸u̵t̴u̵r̶o̵s̶ ̴g̸e̴n̵e̷r̵-̵ ̴(̴o̵m̴i̷t̶i̷d̷o̴s̸:̴ ̷a̷d̷e̸m̵á̷s̸.̶ ̴E̷l̷ ̴c̶i̴e̶n̵t̶í̸f̴i̵c̵o̷)̷ ̶r̵a̷r̴a̶ ̵v̶e̵z̴ ̶c̶o̴n̵o̵c̷e̶ ̶c̴o̶n̵t̵e̴m̷p̸o̵r̶á̴n̶e̶o̶ ̷(̸o̵m̵i̵t̸i̴d̶o̸:̵ ̵r̶e̷c̵o̵m̸p̶e̷n̴s̴a̵;̶ ̵e̴s̴ ̶s̷u̵f̶i̷c̸i̶e̷n̴t̴e̴ ̷p̴o̵s̵e̷e̵r̷)̸ ̴l̸a̶ ̵a̸l̶e̸g̸r̶í̸a̸ ̴d̶e̴ ̶s̵e̵r̵ ̸c̴r̵e̶a̷t̶i̶v̵o̸ ̵(̵o̷m̷i̷t̸i̴d̴o̷:̴ ̶s̵e̸r̷v̴i̸c̸i̷o̷.̴)̷
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bhJGXzOE5fQEternalPackage’s Video 160305547382 bhJGXzOE5fQEternalPackage’s Video 160305547382 bhJGXzOE5fQ

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EternalPackage’s Video 160305547382 bhJGXzOE5fQEternalPackage’s Video 160305547382 bhJGXzOE5fQ
Liked by: Spinel

What does your aura look like?

It's the season of love at Fazbear Entertainment™, and to celebrate our somewhat questionable return to this somewhat influential social media site, we'd like to wish you all a happy Valentine's day (Even though we're a few days late). Oh yeah, and Toy Bonnie has finally been given a voice. Huzzah.
Liked by: Spinel

Which kind of sports do you find the most traumatic?

Fazbear Entertainment would like to know who is making and why they made a Twisted version of Freddy Frostbear, considering he literally just finished development a few days ago on Christmas day.
Liked by: Spinel

Who is dear to you?

Please note that while Freddy Frostbear's jaw is shivering and his movements are jerkish and sound like crackling ice, he is perfectly fine and is fully operational. Don't bother asking us how we made an elemental animatronic. We won't answer.

*the pony grasps dreadbear’s leg and hugs it tightly* yay friendship! Haha!

Biff121’s Profile PhotoBiffarino
Dreadbear: *Pities this hapless whelp currently embracing the unspeakable glory that is his leg*
Liked by: Spinel

*so a mute bear meets a blind pony...XD* not much of a talker are ya? Oh well! That’s good because I am haha!

Biff121’s Profile PhotoBiffarino
Dreadbear: *Unraveling the secrets of the universe... Unless he really is just that poker faced*
Liked by: Spinel


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