
Serina Hunter

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Latest answers from Serina Hunter

After a great meal I like to lie on the ground and feel like garbage. It's a family tradition. Do you want... To join me...?

Serina: "That is a terrible tradition. Come with me and I'll show you how to properly enjoy the great meal after glow. Now I have to figure out how to afford a great meal..."

Do you name your electronics? What did you name your desktop? Laptop? Cell-phone?

Roomba chan
Udonge: "Named all the things with silly weeaboo themes. Volume labels used to be Nagasarete characters. Computers used to be Negima characters. Now hostnames are just Touhou: IN themed. I haven't named anything outside of that, no cell phones, not even my car."
Serina: "My sword already came with a name, but I call him Waffle. Sounds close enough."

>The main character || I'm so sorry to hear that, you poor thing. *hugs*

Roomba chan
Serina: "Well *he* keeps promising things and saying it has its perks. Like an interesting life, fame, fortune, being remembered, a hot wife, the works."
Udonge: "And plot armor, don't forget nice tough rigid plot armor."
Serina: "Doesn't feel so rigid when I get shanked in the hallway, gutted in a back alley, or the cafeteria incident!"
Udonge: "ACME plot armor."
Serina: "If I didn't know you were my writer, I'd think you were a politician and wouldn't pay you any attention."
Udonge: "Udonge 2016: Make Megucas Great Again"

Do you think love can be truly unconditional?

Roomba chan
Serina: "I usually don't think in depth about the meaning of love a lot. I just love who I love. I don't ask why or how or try to pick it apart, I'm fine not even knowing. What is lo-wait no!"
Udonge: "Baby don't h-"
Serina: "No! Shutup! I didn't even say the whole thing."
Udonge: "...-urt me~."
Serina: "No. Stop. Last thing we need is to get that song stuck in everyone's head *again* for the millionth time. I wasn't even alive when it came out anyway. Go away old man, shoo, shoo! Like I was saying, I won't think about if love can be truly unconditional, I'll just show that it can be."

What had you in the hospital for so long?

Roomba chan
Serina: "I'm not really the best at standing up to people. Especially when those people are teenage girls pumped up with emotion fueled magic with a few screws loose. I also can't recover as fast as they can."
Udonge: "It gets better, I promise, else you wouldn't be the main character!"
Serina: "That almost makes me feel better, if it weren't for the no chapters since over a years ago part."
Udonge: "SOON."

What do you like to do in your free time?

Roomba chan
Serina: "I spend most of my time in a hospital bed. If I can get a hold of a laptop, I'll be looking up random things on Google or watching cat videos. If not, I'm reading books. I like naval fiction."
Udonge: "I do the same thing, except in my computer chair in my room. It's like a hospital but less sterile, no nurses, and good food. So not like a hospital at all."

Welcome to the shitpost spittoon, how autistic are you?

Udonge: "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to join #SWQ"

Language: English