
Serina Hunter

Ask @FarlakawsChosen

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After a great meal I like to lie on the ground and feel like garbage. It's a family tradition. Do you want... To join me...?

Serina: "That is a terrible tradition. Come with me and I'll show you how to properly enjoy the great meal after glow. Now I have to figure out how to afford a great meal..."

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Do you name your electronics? What did you name your desktop? Laptop? Cell-phone?

Roombachan’s Profile PhotoRoomba chan
Udonge: "Named all the things with silly weeaboo themes. Volume labels used to be Nagasarete characters. Computers used to be Negima characters. Now hostnames are just Touhou: IN themed. I haven't named anything outside of that, no cell phones, not even my car."
Serina: "My sword already came with a name, but I call him Waffle. Sounds close enough."

>The main character || I'm so sorry to hear that, you poor thing. *hugs*

Roombachan’s Profile PhotoRoomba chan
Serina: "Well *he* keeps promising things and saying it has its perks. Like an interesting life, fame, fortune, being remembered, a hot wife, the works."
Udonge: "And plot armor, don't forget nice tough rigid plot armor."
Serina: "Doesn't feel so rigid when I get shanked in the hallway, gutted in a back alley, or the cafeteria incident!"
Udonge: "ACME plot armor."
Serina: "If I didn't know you were my writer, I'd think you were a politician and wouldn't pay you any attention."
Udonge: "Udonge 2016: Make Megucas Great Again"

Do you think love can be truly unconditional?

Roombachan’s Profile PhotoRoomba chan
Serina: "I usually don't think in depth about the meaning of love a lot. I just love who I love. I don't ask why or how or try to pick it apart, I'm fine not even knowing. What is lo-wait no!"
Udonge: "Baby don't h-"
Serina: "No! Shutup! I didn't even say the whole thing."
Udonge: "...-urt me~."
Serina: "No. Stop. Last thing we need is to get that song stuck in everyone's head *again* for the millionth time. I wasn't even alive when it came out anyway. Go away old man, shoo, shoo! Like I was saying, I won't think about if love can be truly unconditional, I'll just show that it can be."

What had you in the hospital for so long?

Roombachan’s Profile PhotoRoomba chan
Serina: "I'm not really the best at standing up to people. Especially when those people are teenage girls pumped up with emotion fueled magic with a few screws loose. I also can't recover as fast as they can."
Udonge: "It gets better, I promise, else you wouldn't be the main character!"
Serina: "That almost makes me feel better, if it weren't for the no chapters since over a years ago part."
Udonge: "SOON."

What do you like to do in your free time?

Roombachan’s Profile PhotoRoomba chan
Serina: "I spend most of my time in a hospital bed. If I can get a hold of a laptop, I'll be looking up random things on Google or watching cat videos. If not, I'm reading books. I like naval fiction."
Udonge: "I do the same thing, except in my computer chair in my room. It's like a hospital but less sterile, no nurses, and good food. So not like a hospital at all."

What have you learned from Doujinshi?

Serina: "That getting a girl is as easy as going outside and letting things happen to you. You're guaranteed to score, and anything goes. Yep, it's that easy, all you have to do is go outside; you could do it right now!"
Udonge: "I don't know why you're looking at me like I -need- a girl or something, pfffft. If you think that's all doujins teach, then you've got a lot to learn."
Serina: "Enlighten me, Gameless One."
Udonge: "The universal truth that all doujinshi teach about life is that you can simply create your own fantasy. The perfect girl you've always dreamt of can be yours forever with a little bit of creative writing. Who needs real girls when you have your imagination!"
Serina: "I have to go, I just remembered a thing that I had to do. W-why is the door locked?"

[Splatted Udonge!]

Udonge: "Stop your snickering and get me a towel."
Serina: "I don't ink there's one in this room is there?"
Udonge: ...
Serina: "Oh, found one~ You should dry off soon before you get too cold. Here, let me turn up the thermosplat."
Udonge: "..."
Serina: "What's with that look? You should be kraken up."
Udonge: "You need to put a squid on those puns before I get ika-tated."
Serina: "I'm squidding now-er I'm kidding now! Let's not super jump the gun here before you do something you'll be calasorry for lat-"
[Splatted Serina!]

Where on the Myers-Brigg personality spectrum do you and/or your write-up characters fall? http://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test (sample test)

Udonge: "Depends on everything from what they had for breakfast, if any, to how well the mission is going, who they're forced to work with, if it's that time of the month, if they got enough sleep..."
Serina: "People change when their mood or situation changes, more at 11."
Udonge: "I'm pretty sure all my letters would change if I took the test in the early morning before breakfast vs late night after a buffet."

What is the most Engrish song you've heard in an anime?

Udonge: "I avoid listening to anime music; it's usually quite terrible. There's always a few that are particularly bad in the English department, but I usually never listen to them a second time and thus don't remember."

How do you style your hair/what kind of haircut do you have?

Udonge: "I come out of the barber looking like a Tibet monk because screw having hair. Hair is annoying and a hassle to upkeep. Oddly enough, I very much prefer long haired girls. I wouldn't even mind helping maintain it."
Serina: "Short is best. Not super short, but touching the shoulders is too long. I like it straight, shiny and out of my eyes."

What decks do/would your characters play in Meguca: the Gathering?

Udonge: "I have no clue about anything Magic so I can't even make any dank references."

Which MGNQ Writefag/drawfag/editor/lurker would you tie down and dominate?

Udonge: "Why would I want to do that!? I want to be the one tied down and dominated!"

What gaming genre are you the worst at playing?

Serina: "Fighting games. They have no depth, so I have no patience to play them."
Udonge: "Typing games, like Mavis Beacon and the billion clones. I type at 32 WPM on a good day and that hasn't changed in 15 years. I have to look at the keyboard and I don't see that improving in the future."

Well it's inevitable. Thanks to me every writefag will be lewded. How do you want Decu to lewd you when its your turn?

Nubum’s Profile PhotoNubum
Udonge: "Like one of his french megucas."

Do you sleep in the dark or with some light on?

Udonge: "The numerous LEDs from my keyboards, speaker, radio, case fans, and power supplies are actually rather bright. Almost annoyingly so, they perceptibly illuminate the room when I turn off my lamp."

On Twitter/Ask.fm/whathaveyou, do you read all of the updates in your stream since you last got on, or do you just read the the first page or so?

Udonge: "I use RSS for everything, so I don't miss anything. I read everybody's answers."

Describe the last thing you watched as if was a sensationalist news heading.

Udonge: "High Profile Extremist Terrorist Organization Defeated By Local Girls Saving Everything. 10 Ways They Boost Their Performance, Enhance Energy And Focus, And Strengthen Their Friendship That The Divine Tree Doesn't Want You To Know. Number 5 Will SHOCK You! Vertexes HATE them!"


Language: English