
Felicity court

Ask @Felicityxx

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why the fuck would I miss you when I have everything I need all here in chch already. get tge fuck over yourself. no matter what you say Jades still better than a hamilton slut than you.

ImMakingThisBecauseImBored’s Profile PhotoEthan Holmes
Screen shot a snapchat from you bub should I put more up orr????????????? Hahaha aw you are just the cutest I miss you too!!! Hey I'm pretty sure it was this slut that you wanted oh so bad when you were back in Hamilton, what was it??? You just wanted to be the person to make me happy aw how sweet!! Lol go fuck yourself:-)
why the fuck would I miss you when I have everything I need all here in chch

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And here is your finished picture c: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/999487_322368604564765_1078099010_n.jpg

you know what. your pretty damn pathetic. i thought you were better than the but hey, i guess your not, you just as bad if not fucking worse, hope you can explain this to the dean im sick of you all giving me shit, and im getting to the point where i cant take it anymore.


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