
Felicity court

Ask @Felicityxx

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Thank you . Got to go out but might harass you later. Have a good day, don't let any meanies get inside your head.......ok?

hahhhaha i know who this is :DDDD okay okay

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thoughts on selina?

ive done this before for you hoe.
okay. you are perf. i miss you, when the fuck are you staying at my house u fkn whore ://
wot i miss u.
come here beautiful
ive knowen u for like evaa!!!!
family friends ftw.
but nah ur perf.
fkn jealous. and your personality. wowow. so nice and caring i love you bby. lesbian fag xxx


inkedupkids’s Profile Photoliam☜♡☞
ummmmmmmmmmmm. hes a hawtie.
i love his piercings g.
i love u coz u buyed me chocolate cxxxxxx
and kinda looked after me when i passed out. u make me laugh.
u have nice hugs. um yeah u r cool.
we should get closer homo
Liked by: liam☜♡☞

I'm not a big fan of you but what that girl did with the picture is absolutely fucking disgusting and is the lowest of the low idc who she is but she needs to be punished big time. A picture says 1 thousand words and all the picture said was how fucking disgusting she is for drawing it.

i dont know what to say.
it hurt me..
but i guess i just got over it, i havent done anything about it yet ¬¬ not sure how far i want to take it...

Impersonate the 1st tike you had sex ..

loooooool the first time.
wtf are you doing with that?
what the hell
wot the fuck
this hurts
i hate you
your doing it wrong it hurts to much
im going to punch you in the face if you dont stop.

do you like jay. like like.

hes my friend. best friend bby :*
haha, nah. i guess if you spend heaps of time with someone you start to like them, i kinda thought maybe but then i was like oh nah, just idfk. its hard to explain. fuck.
but hes mah bestie, and im not a hobbit. no matter what he says. i love our drives though yay ccc:
Liked by: jay hutton

Apparently we had sex. I don't remember it. Next time don't drug and rape me just rape me it's alright ill get over it in time hahahahaha

jaytheskuxxx’s Profile Photojay hutton
what :L
i just had a look. aw. why do people hate me so much :((( its not like my self esteem can get any lower lol.
aw. okay bby xxxx


hehehehe yay. its gr8. ccc; we twinnnnz

do you like getting questions, likes or asking questions more?o;

um i like questions most, but when i get heaps of likes it makes me look kool so im algood with that haha.
Liked by: jay hutton


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