
Felicity court

Ask @Felicityxx

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Well you ask for it Felicity. stop going on about it if you are sick of everyone tormenting you and saying you're an attention seeker. you're just fucking pathetic.

so is telling me this over anon....
but hey, we all have something we are bad at, and mine is taking advice.
look, i get your problem and i will, try work on it ccc:

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try not spreading shit, and talking about your problems all over the Internet and Facebook, then see if anyone has a problem. you annoy people cause you blab on about your life and it annoys people. they don't wanna get on Facebook and see you going on about life, and how there's so much gossip and

they can delete me, its not hard. lol. annnnnd?

what happen about the whole cullen thing? full story.

read below questions, if theres anything else you still want to know come back and ask. im happy to tell c:

Why a fox?

because they are great, they are very energetic and so sleek and they are just great. i have always loved fox's tbh.

How do you decide what movie to watch?

dumb, dumb, dumb, stupid, dumb. shitty, ooooh this looks cool.

you are a really good friend to me and always have been, even though sometime's you dont act like my friend i know you have good reasons because of how i've treated you in the past, you're still really amazing and im glad we are friend's again c: you probably know who this is

i kinda think i do, and i am glad you feel this way <3 yay friends c: hehehehe. mail me on facebook though so i can be sure ><

don't you ever kill yourself ok, i don't give a fuck what your reasons are, it's never worth it.

yeah, ok..

head up girl. you are way to good for haters and bitches and retards and shit.

i try my hardest. thankyou c:

makes u sound a bit like a attention seeker:L

awwwwwww boo. least im not as bad as some people. was a one off thing anyway, i dont think i will ever be that upset in a long time. hopefull.y.


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