
Felicity court

Ask @Felicityxx

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You're so ratshit to brooke it's horrible. She is so nice to everyone and if you hadn't of fucked her boyfriend and bullied her she would be nice to you.

Fuck off mate. U nt know the full story.
Liked by: Talia Te Anga

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For fucks sake I'm not sending you this shit. You say "leave me alone" "stop talking shit about me". Then stop trying to start shit with me. Next time you and your group tries to get in my face at lunch how about you leave them behind and talk to me yourself.

Wotever. Fuck off you messed with the wrong personae when you started shit with Amy. You brought this on yourself. So go get fucked.

Was it 3 abortions? Or 4?

Or none. I've never been pregnant. Lol if this is Brooke, you can't talk because you actually had one.

How big is cullens penis? He keeps ignoring me, i just want to know what i‘m in for when he starts talking to me. oh, and can you tell him to anwser my questions on here. thanks

wtf. can you fuck off because im pretty keen to shove your face in some cow shit. you do not ask a girl about her recent ex and give off the impression you are going to fuck him. he can do what he wants, thank you xx

Did you ever fall asleep in school?

Yeah once I fell asleep during an r.e assignment and I dribbled on the test paper that I has to hand back in:s
Liked by: Samara

box gap pic

There's no mirrors where I am that'd show it properly/: this is old, but literally the only thing that has changed about my is my hair colour and bra size so w/e
box gap pic
Liked by: Sam Gibson Bruhhh


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