

Ask @Grac3fulBella86

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Ladies, Gents and they…..would you let an expert straight male Nail technician do your mani-pedi? If not, why?

Yes N numerous of times.. why because he took time to go to school and get his license ... Expert

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Hey ladies, How often do you wear super big granny panties and mommy shorts? Why?

Why are you in women business .. 🤣🤣😂😂😂. Weird

Do you know why most women watch Netflix w subtitles on?……Cause they don’t know how to listen 👂.

lol naw I've only seen males put the subtitles (captions) on

Have u ever “m@sturbated” your dog 🐕?

Y'all makes have to chill .. disgusting I don't even own animals

Why do you think stuff that they sell at the outlet malls are mostly trash and much lower quality? 😳

Everything gets shipped from Asia

If you saw someone (that you used to be close to) in your dreams, would you contact them and let them know?

Nope that's weird

If you go to the gym, have you ever felt insecure while running on the treadmill or doing other workouts due to having social anxiety or for other reasons? If so, how did you get over that insecurity or fear?

Nope .. I use to spend hours in the gym literally ...I'm starting again this week

# of times have you xerox your butt cheeks in the office?

Lmao wtf .. why would u do that 🤣🤣😂😂😂

If someone truly liked you or cared about you, would they jump to conclusions about you and/or make up rumors if they happened to misunderstand your intentions (due to a lack of communication)?

I go off a persons actions!! You have 1 time. After that whatever you get get from me that's on you!!!!

Help! How to escape a potential child support payment? 😫😭 Thanks 🙏.

By using protection duh

# of times that you still tagged along even if you weren’t invited?😩

Not once lmao .. if u knew me I'd rather spend time with my kids 😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣...

Is it easier to say that you are mad than to admit that you are hurt?

My facial expression will tell you everything YOU NEED TO KNOW !

Did you know men lie more but women lie better?

Yes I know CERTAIN men lie every second of the day..

One question anybody pls answer do yaw get tried on instagram and Facebook and Snapchat and seeing others in relationships and in love if you do pls tell me cause I’m tried of everybody who in relationship now I think they should keep it off the internet cause don’t nobody wanna see em

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣then u should log tf off 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤣🤣


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