

Ask @GreenGirl48120

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How do you start a conversation?

You can really start a conversation in any way you want lol
It will depend on the person you start that conversation with and their reaction to how you started the conversation. Even whether a good or bad reaction you still had somewhat of a conversation lol
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Do you sleep with socks on?

No I don’t. I will lotion my feet sometimes at night and then put a pair of older socks on to help the lotion set into my feet as opposed to get all over everything. After a couple hours I’ll take them off.

Do you easily feel nauseous & disgusted when you see someone throw up 🤮 in front of you?

No, just more like eww that sucks and hope after they feel better or have medicine to take

Prefer being alone or having friends

I prefer both honestly. I like having the few friends I have to do things with but I definitely enjoy my alone time within the house or out. I also consider time with my person to be always something I like whether it’s doing something together or just being in the house and doing our own thing.

Paper books or e-books?

Both. I prefer paper books 📖 though because a good amount of time these days is already spent starting at a screen 😵‍💫 and it’s nostalgic for someone such as myself. So maybe depending on the book and or series, it would depend on my amount of love for that author or the story itself.

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Verb: Regard (an object, quality or person) with respect or warm approval. To look at with pleasure. To marvel at. To like very much.

Are you a patient person? or anxious?

I’ve been complimented on my patience but am very well aware of my anxieties and what tends to trigger them.

No rude comments please. two days ago i took a pregnancy test due to being 4 days late and it came out positive with a faint line, later that evening i ended up getting period took another test this morning came back positive with darker line took digital came back negative.. any help?

I would go ahead and schedule an appointment with an OB/GYN to get a test and maybe a sonography done

What is the freakiest thing you want to do or tell me?

Oh I’ve got a few, but the freakiest? 😏 I wouldn’t just let everyone know…lol…

Have you ever not tip the server because of bad service? If yes, he or she deserves it, right?

No, I’ve never been in a situation to where I felt that no tips was to be given. There may be times when depending on attitude & attention given when ordering drinks & food while still maintaining the friendly vibe. I’ve also had a sibling who’s been in that industry since 2010 as a waiter/trainer & now bar tender.
So always tip at least something and have the thought of what all it is there having to do and all the different personalities having to endured lol.

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Do you wear dresses?

Yes I do 😁 I love dresses and all types but favorites are summer dresses 👗 I live in a state that gets pretty hot during spring and summer, so skirts and shorts are definite go-to as well

After an argument or misunderstanding with your significant other.. Do you feel like you become closer and it strengthens your relationship or pushes you apart and weakens it? ❤💔

MaryJane214’s Profile PhotoMary Jane
It’s all about honest and real communication. What follows is choice. So if one is clearly not making any effort or choice to have it strengthen the relationship and have it just be weakened, then they never really did care or live like you thought they did. If it’s to the point where that choice is known because you don’t want to be in the relationship anymore, then just be HONEST and tell your SO


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