

Ask @GreenGirl48120

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Where do you go when you need comfort?

I had a place, or at least I thought did. Now, I’m not so sure.

If you became a god / goddess of a specific thing, like those from Greek and Norse mythology, what'd you be a god of? What'd you use your godly powers for? ⚡️🌊🔥💕🌱

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
This is a tough one and I love the question but was hesitant to answer right away because my mind went into all different places. With Norse mythology, I feel as though I gravitate most towards goddess Freya. With Greek mythology, I gravitate most to goddess Gaia.
Liked by: Tobbe

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Last thing that made you smile?

Myself lol 😁…that can be a combo of things though, like maybe i made a funny joke to myself or it could be reminiscing thoughts running through my mind

What's your favorite pizza?

Thin crust veggie or a spinach and mushroom type pizza with the white sauce 😋

Do you ever have any trouble sleeping before an important day? Are there any tricks you employ to be able to sleep when you feel nervous etc.? 😐🗓

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Yea, nerves can always get the best of us and even excitement. I think that all ties together. I would just do my best to stay busy the day before and maybe do something that will help you be more tired at the end of the day, such as a good workout and then maybe something to help you get some sleep. Natural remedies such as teas that help you sleep, melatonin, food that are known to aid in a good nights sleep. Either than that, i think it’s pretty normal to not be able to sleep super well before an important day.
Liked by: Tobbe

Do you prefer heels or boots ?

What kinda boots ya talkin about? Like cowgirl boots or like fun winter boots because i do love heels but if we’re talking about winter type boots, then I prefer those. However i do prefer heels over cowgirl boots 😂….So i prefer boots of the winter

I yelled at this girl and told her I was going to fight this girl and I h@@te her guts. I hate when ppl talk about my personal life. This is bcuz she said I dated this guy that I didnt date. Am I overreacting?

I honestly have no idea what it is you're actually saying lol
Maybe you were a bit worked up when typing this to me and since you sent it as a direct personal question, I feel as though you're really wanting my attention and to answer your question. So if you don't mind, please clarify and then I'll let you know if you're overreacting.

What's your favorite flower, if you have one?

I love a lot of different flowers.
However, my most favorite flower is the Indian Paintbrush. I love seeing them in full bloom during their season and it’s common for them to grow in fields where blue bonnets grow. The whole color scheme has always been a favorite of mine and will always remind me of home.

this time is different

Do you just feel it? Know it? All the above? And I hope that’s a good thing

It is so difficult

A lot of things have the capability to be difficult, especially if you allow it to be. If you wish to elaborate and talk about it, feel free too…

Would you ever want to live in another country?

I would definitely consider living in another country and probably do it if that possibility/situation ever arises

What does it mean to “walk on eggshells” around someone?

It means you tend to be wary or worrisome when you are around that person. Typically in a sense of not knowing how that person will react or what they will say at any given moment or dependent upon something you say or do. It’s not a good term and also basically means that you tend to be possibly a bit unsure of their temperament and what will set them off. Or maybe you already are fully aware of their personality and everything and just try to avoid any issues when they’re not wanted or warranted.

my heart hurts 💔

I’m sorry. That’s not a fun feeling 😔 If you want to talk about it, feel free to but either way, I hope you will be ok. Just let it hurt but help it heal.

Your favourite Clothing brand?

I like a lot of different clothing brands 🤔…I know for jeans, it’s definitely American Eagle


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