

Ask @GreenGirl48120

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I need your love

I need your love
I need your time
When everything's wrong
You make it right
I feel so high
I come alive
I need to be free with you tonight
I need your love

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Are you ready baby

I’m so ready baby
“I've been waiting
I've been waiting for this moment all my life”

What's your opinion bout dogs?

Love them 🦮🐶🐕‍🦺 🥰
I’ve had 4 different dogs growing up and of course many different ones around from family or friends. I enjoy training them and watching their brains develop and grown. Plus the natural, unique and adorable personality traits. The ultimate love and trust they have for their owners.

Have you ever rode on a motorcycle?

Yes. So much fun. I’ve always been the passenger though lol
“I want a C-O-O-L 🏍 R-I-D-E-R”

Have you ever ever noticed they are making laws to try to keep people from going off grid in the name of saving the environment?

This right here angers me and makes me sad 🤬😢 It’s becoming more and more blatant which can be a bit frightening on what is going on in the world and it’s also is just proving peoples suspicions correct. Also for people who want to be self sufficient and learn how to be sustainable in ways of knowing how to garden and grow your own food, the capability to build and fix things yourself. Essentially it’s like them wanting to take everyone’s capability to learn and live freely away and that is so not cool.
#saveplanetearth #reducereuserecycle #coexist 🌍🌎🌏♻️🧍🏻🧍🏽🧍🏾🧍🏾🧍🏼🧍🏿
Liked by: Jane Turtle

If someone asked you to be part of a medical experiment, would you?

To say yes, I’d need more than to just be asked. I’d need to know the details of this medical experiment and what all the process would entail.

Do you like to eat fortune cookies..?

Yes. I always break the fortune cookie in half, eat one half, read the fortune and then eat the other half. I have my reasonings for doing that lol
Liked by: *Pills*

Have you ever listened to music on a vinyl record?

Yes! Only one of the best and fun ways to play music 🎶💓
Liked by: Tobbe

Sometimes when I feel like you say something stupid I just don’t reply lol

Lmao right because that makes so much sense. Let’s all just be stupid because I felt as though something said was stupid

+ 1 💬 message

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Liked by: Tobbe

Fav shoes x s x

I like different kinds but shoes that I have the most of are Vans. I love them lol and the many different styles they have which suits my personality because I love to change it up with clothing, shoes and every now and then makeup. Just to have fun with what you wear is cool.
Liked by: Tobbe

Do you own many shoes x x x. X

I have a good little collection but nothing like some people and it’s taken me time to gather some of my shoes. I think when you’re understanding of what it’s like to have like maybe 1-2 pair for years and to only get a new pair once the ones you have are falling apart because you can’t afford it, that being in a different chapter of my life where I still don’t make a lot of money but have been blessed enough to move closer to some family, obtain a new job and help me out by paying off old debt from past mistakes and saving as much as possible in the last 3 years, so that I can be sure that I at least have myself to fall back on when I’m having to be on my own. If I meet someone to share the present and future with that can meet me half way and have the same understanding and wants, then that would be so awesome and something I’ll hope for. If not, I at least need to be sure that I’m doing what I can to take care of myself and some loved ones when I can.

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Liked by: Tobbe

Would you ever force someone to wear socks x

No I wouldn’t ever force someone to wear socks. At least I’ve never been out in that predicament and don’t think I ever will be…now I’ll laugh if there is a time later in life where something like this happens and I dead stop to think of this exact moment. I’d probably smh laugh my ass off then be like nope! I said I would never force anyone! 😂
Liked by: Tobbe


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