

Ask @GreenGirl48120

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I'm going to a party tomorrow and the theme is "Vacation". If you were going to said party, what'd you wear? You can interpret that theme however you wish 😎🏝🛩

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I’d probably dress up from a character in a known movie that revolves around them going on a vacation or something like it. I’ve always loved the whole dress up like someone (famous or not) and see how good you do and who all guesses it and has fun lol

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Liked by: Tobbe

With summer (or winter) being not too far away now, do you have any plans for the upcoming months? ☀️🏖

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
It is summer for me. At least where I currently live. I don’t have any set plans or vacations lined up. Just to enjoy the summer months, I love swimming so I’ll probably do some of that and we’ll of course catch some sun 🌞 👙 lol…I’m going to look at things coming up throughout the summer months to do in my city and hopefully that will consist of a couple good concerts to attend 🎶💛🤞
Liked by: Tobbe

What do you do for fun?

I enjoy being active and having a healthy lifestyle for the most part (always gotta have room for some fun times) lol…I also like to get out and try or do new things around town, or travel and do those things as well. I’m also known at times to be a homebody and enjoy time at the house with my love/loved ones or have some me time. Clean, listen to music, read and write. There are a lot of things I hope or wish to do in life and if I get to do some of those things then awesome and if not, I’ll just make the life I live now as fun as I possibly can.
Liked by: A A Ron Tobbe

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Liked by: Tobbe

How well do you sleep?

I sleep ok but as of lately not too well. I think certain life situations can also affect things like sleep and sleep patterns
Liked by: Tobbe

Would you rather fly or teleport?

If I had the capability to teleport and knew what it was like to do so, I have a feeling I’d chose teleport
Liked by: Tobbe

If you had a good job going for yourself and a man came into your life telling you you’ll make more money, would you try and be with the man, or would you just keep hustling?

Is it just simply words or is there any evidence to back up what this man is telling you. If you feel as though this man speaks truth, then that sounds like an offer not to be refused…Be with the man and make more money or stay with your “good” job (only one life right?)…

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Liked by: Tobbe

Do you have insecurities?

Yes. I believe most do. For those who don’t I think that is genuinely awesome. I also think that it’s all about how you handle your insecurities and that most of the time we are in our own heads and others probably don’t even notice or care as much as you do. Also, try to work on the insecurities you have in any way possible. Whatever that entails. Do your best to wear confidence and a smile.
Liked by: Tobbe

Do you have a past trauma you can’t heal from?

I’m not sure anyone ever really completely heals from past trauma but that you learn how to deal with it better as life and time goes on. Use it as an advantage or excuse to do better or be better. Not an excuse to be a negative person or to play the woe is me card. We all have a past and the stories that come along with it, so just remember that. Your story is yours and hopefully the ones closest to you are there to listen and motivate, but your not the only one. At any given moment, someone is going through something and you would never know. That’s why I always try to treat people with kindness and smile. The hope that it is contagious and that by doing something seemingly small, you might have actually made someone’s whole day and/or saved a life.
Liked by: Tobbe

Do we ever completely forgive someone?

I think it really depends on exactly what was done to you. There’s the whole “forgive but don’t forget”, well I think that is basically a form of holding onto what was done to you. I like to think that means that you can completely forgive someone for something, even if it might take some time. I also think that it means to remember the wrong things that have been done to you and the ones who have done you wrong, so that in life you can try to be sure not to let those things happen to you again.
Liked by: Tobbe

If your partner over the years gains weight would you bring it up if you didn’t find them attractive anymore? And would you try to help motivate them to lose weight?

I think that honest communication is great. As the saying goes, “it’s not what you say but how you say it”
If you really love and care for your spouse and you start to find yourself un attracted to them and maybe bothered by seeing them become unhealthy and probably not too happy with themselves, then yes, I think it’s perfectly fine to communicate to your partner what you are thinking and feeling. Having the desire and willingness to want to motivate them to essentially have care for their health and body is awesome too and no one should take anyone like that for granted in their life. It can also be looked at something that can be done together.
Liked by: Tobbe

💒 Do you believe that when you get married, you marry your spouse’s entire family?

You asked your spouse to marry u, not the entire family lol. I don’t really believe that you’re marrying your spouses entire family, or that something like that should be expected by any means. I would hope that you and family members get along, especially if it’s family your spouse is close with but it’s understandable that sometimes there may be differences or some that you just don’t care for too much.
Liked by: Tobbe

Are you still in touch with your childhood friends?

Not really except for 1, unless like keeping in touch through social media. In the case maybe a couple.
Liked by: Tobbe


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