

Ask @GreenGirl48120

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Can adults be real friends?

Yes definitely, I’ve seen it my whole life and as an adult I do have a few good friends. Maybe not a lot but still some.
I’m inclined to ask if you’re asking because you feel differently?
Liked by: Dotty

What if there was tickle vampires and Instead of blood they needed laughter

i LOVE that and will ask to please be a victim lol

If you entered a world where magic was real but only women could do magic and they enslaved the men and boys would you stay

No I would not stay. That is not the type of magic place I wish to ever be in

How many tatts you got? Which is your fav?

I currently have 3. Seriously Hard to pick a fav because I love them all in their own way, but I guess it would be the baby tat on my foot since it was the first one I ever had done and has significant meaning to me
Liked by: Dotty

you ever mix cheese with your eggs?

agustingovea2022’s Profile PhotoJR
No, not really a fan of that. Maybe in a breakfast taco but it can’t be heavy. More egg than cheese please
Liked by: JR

If you see a black cat, do you regard it as good luck or bad luck? Why? 😺 👍 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ Շєภคςเ๏ยร Շ๏๓๓คץ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Good luck. I know black 🐈‍⬛ are seen as one of the superstitions and I do tend to think about superstitions sometimes but I’m not sure I fully believe in them but am still wary lol…anyways, I think of it as good luck. Plus a little fact about me is my birthday is on a 13th, so I’ve had a good amount of Friday the 13th birthday’s, including my sweet 16 lol Black cats are cool in my book 😎

When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?

Haven’t looked in the mirror yet today. Not sure what I’ll first think. Maybe the need to check my eyebrows or have that silent chat with yourself while you stare momentarily. Having certain negative emotions when it comes to mirrors though lately which is sad because I feel as though I’ve been depicted and made to feel a certain way about that but overall, I’m ok.

Is it weird to like Asians more than other races?

No, why would it be weird if that is a race you are naturally more attracted to?
Can’t help what you like 🤷‍♀️ and I think it’s only a positive thing to like or love. So like or love whom ever you choose 🙂💛

Does anyone have anxiety to the point you feel like you're going to be sick?

I have been there before. Either sick or a sort of panic attack. Honestly no advice to give but to just learn yourself and to try to calm it down in ways you know possible and that it will pass. Of course if you find yourself dealing with it more regularly than you’re comfortable with, maybe you reach out to someone such as doctor or psychologist. Even a family member or friend as well to get their insight if that would be a more comfortable first step.
Liked by: Natalie ♡

Sorry for using that as my profile picture

There is no need to be sorry. I was just inquiring since it looked very interesting or intriguing. Whether it be in a bad or good way. Anyways, people can obviously use whatever pictures they want and more power to them/us lol

What was the last experience that made you a stronger person? 😸 💪 👍 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ Շєภคςเ๏ยร Շ๏๓๓คץ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
I feel like I’m going through an experience right now in life that is making me a stronger person, even though I’ve also felt like the opposite is testing itself quite a bit.
The last experience though honestly was the death of my father. I had already ended a difficult chapter in life and almost one year later he died. After that, I think something just clicked in me. I had already barely started a path to better my mental and life with health and fitness. Once he died, it went full force and I couldn’t be more thankful to have that be a take away from his death. It’s very therapeutic and helps the mind to calm when you’re so focused. Just to feel better on a normal base in general is a great thing.

Have you ever visited New York?

No I have not but would be cool to possibly go someday. The big 🍎 lol

Do you take responsibility for your actions?

Yea, I always try to be aware of when to admit fault and or to hold myself accountable for my actions
Liked by: Natalie ♡


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