
Herbert Henry Asquith

Do you believe in any conspiracy theories? If you do, which one is your favourite?

Gvazdzik’s Profile PhotoPLPTRM
I don’t know if it’s a conspiracy, but I’m convinced that Brexit & Donald Trump wouldn’t have happened without Kremlin involvement.
As usual, the ‘patriots’/‘nationalists’ are being played by someone else, but I’ll grant that they may be too stupid to understand this, rather than knowingly betraying their country to Russia.
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Do you believe in any conspiracy theories? If you do, which one is your favourite?

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You can't have a "favourite" conspiracy theory. If you believe it then you should be outraged. If you have a favourite then you can't actually believe it, you're just pretending to believe it in order to be obtuse. Which actually just has the opposite effect of making you look like an idiot. Faking stupidity is the dumbest trend there is.
I have a personal conspiracy of my own which I can't share for national security reasons. Let's just say I think I saw something that I wasn't meant to see...
I don't believe many, a lot of tin foil hat wearers, they can be hard to take seriously. Sadly, I am one of those '9/11 was an inside job' people.

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