@Hadacol#80 🇬🇧

Herbert Henry Asquith

Was social media a part of your childhood?

lostineden’s Profile PhotoLost in Eden (MT)
I was born in 1985, so no, and I can’t help being glad of that.
I got into it in my late teens but can’t think I gained much from this. I do find it quite useful now but I understand that it’s a tool rather than something I live by; that the sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath.
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Latest answers from Herbert Henry Asquith

Favorite time of the year?

It used to be late September and early October but in the last few years, climate change has brought torrential rain at that time of year.
I think it still is this time of year, but only on the dry days, which are a minority now.

What’s the perfect final meal?

jazzyazul’s Profile PhotoJazzyAzul
Leek & potato soup & low gi rolls.
Sunday dinner (lamb).
Sticky toffee pudding.
My last act would be to shout incoherently at my enemies, while eating herbal tablets.
Whats the perfect final meal

Australia is first country to think about introducing a age limit for teens to access social media due to child mental health what they see online or experiencing online should that be law for all countries in your opinion ?

missygls’s Profile Photoᴳᴸメ
I support it because children should have the chance to be children without corporate advertising, self-harm, cyber bullying, anorexia, porn and pervy old men ‘chatting’ to them.
At the age of around 11, children are old enough to walk/cycle to school with their friends or alone, so they could be given a basic phone (not ‘smart’) with which to call or text parents in an emergency. Of apps and ‘social’ media, they have no need until they’re at least 16, by which time I’d hope they would be grown up enough not to overuse them.
Trouble is, parents are also glued to their phones so trying to limit their children’s screen time won’t always be taken seriously!!

Language: English