

Ask @Infernia

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@Daemon; How do you feel about advent calendars? What would your reaction be if Cass gave you an advent calendar with coupons for hugs on some days, chocolates on others and a game-store gift card for behind the flap for Christmas day? Plus his traditional present splurge he does cx

Daemon; I have never actually had someone make me/buy an advent calendar for me, so I think it would be pretty cool. I would be absolutely overjoyed if Cass was to give me one, especially because it would be one of the nicest things anyone had ever done for me and I know a lot of work goes into them. The game-store card would just make my day; we'd obviously have to leave right then and go shopping! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ

Woo-Hoo!! Mavericks <3 Lol actually more of a Pittsburgh Penguins/Dallas Stars fan myself~ Never Understood Basketball lol >.<

Yay!! I am so proud of the Mavericks this season. They have done so well! Yesterday I watched them play the Raptors and they won 106-102. <3 The Penguins are pretty cool, although I don't watch them that often, and I have only seen a couple Dallas games as well. Honestly, I still don't understand ALL of the rules in basketball, but that doesn't mean I can't cheer. XD
Liked by: Luna-puppy

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Cass; Hence why I don't work out... Though I don't look like much after doing it for years -flexes tiny muscles and laughs- Looking good definitely doesn't hurt... Unless you're bullied for it... But I won't go there e v e Pfft, if you're wrong and you have to drag my butt out of there, your loss cx

Daemon; -laughs, flexing own muscles- I have been working out, on and off, since I started high school and I haven't exactly found a routine to stick to yet. Hopefully I will be able to figure out something soon. I guess you are right about that. But, I don't think I'll be dragging you out. It'll be more like picking you up over my head and using you as a bench press weight. If all else fails, I'd pick you up and throw you over my shoulder like a man and strut out of there to assert my dominance as the top male of the gym. XD
Liked by: Tenebrism

Cass; I work out lots too! But... Not in the way you do... I mean, carrying bags of fertiliser around and stuff counts right? -chuckles- But I'm sure I could try working out with you... I probably wouldn't last long though 8'D

Daemon; Pfft, please. If I had to carry those heavy bags around and do the things you do all day, every day, I wouldn't even feel the need to work out. Because half of my career consists of playing video games or designing them, I feel like I should get some sort of exercise. Besides, looking good doesn't hurt, am I right? I'm sure you would do just fine. ;D

OMG OMG omg~~~ are the kids names from Tomb Raider and Uncharted?!? *mini fangirl* I knew them the second you posted them~~~

OMG. Yay! You are absolutely right about that! Those are two of my all-time favorite games, and I used to play them all the time but I haven't really had much time for video games lately. Luckily, Daemon has all the time in the world. I love you too for guessing those and fangirling with me. X'D
Liked by: Luna-puppy

Channelling my inner Daemon instincts... Lara Croft and Nathan Drake? //shot//

Yassss. That is exactly it! How the heck did you get those so quick?? Like, dang. I was expecting you to know they were from video games but... whoa. I love you for that! XD

Cass; Yay! 8'D No need to worry, I'm not going to give you a diet of purely treats... There'll be plenty of healthy things! And if you start putting on weight you can walk me around LA to burn it off! o v o

Daemon; Well, that sounds like a plan! Luckily, even if taking you all around LA doesn't help much, I always work out too. Maybe I could convince you to work out with me, or at least spot me while I'm lifting weights. I try to go for six days out of each week, but with my busy schedule, it turns out to be more like three or four. D;

@Daemon: Favorite game of each genre, and why? Horror, Action, RPG, Arcade, Simulator, and "God play" (Sims, Spore, etc.)?

(Love this question!)
Horror- The Evil Within. For starters, this game is just everything I imagine a good horror game to be. It keeps me on the edge of my seat, and definitely scares the daylights out of me from time to time. It's a little bit of Silent Hills and Resident Evil rolled into one.
Action- Dark Souls 2, hands down. So good it doesn't even need an explanation. ;-;
RPG- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, also doesn't need an explanation. If you've played it, you know what I am talking about.
Arcade- Street Fighter. I just think this is a fun and fairly addicting game when it comes to the arcade genre. This was a pretty hard decision, considering I absolutely love almost all of the classic arcade games.
Simulator- Battlestations: Pacific. Even though it has its more boring moments, it still is a lot of fun to play and can keep you occupied for a long time.
'God-Play'- Well, you actually named it. When I was a little younger, I used to spend a HUGE amount of time playing the Spore Creature games. They were just great to me, especially since I got to design my own creature and fight other creatures along with everything else there was to do in the game.

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Liked by: Luna-puppy

@Daemon; You've been invited to do a run through of Avior's workplace, an old Victorian style mansion that has been rigged up as a haunted house. How well do you think you would go? What would be your reaction to seeing Avior wandering around in the shadows eerily before jumping out at you?

Daemon; Oh, great. Haunted houses, lots of jump scares. My favorite. -sarcastic eye rolling- I think I would probably enjoy the adrenaline of exploring the 'haunted house', but I would probably pee my pants if that glowing lantern jumped out at me from the shadows. Let's just say I hate jump scares.
Liked by: Tenebrism

@Infernia: Do you have a favorite sport/sports team? Who are they if so, why not if no? OTL the rhymes lol

Actually, I am a pretty big fan of sports. I, myself play volleyball and do track, so I'm a big fan of those. My favorite sports teams would have to be:
Baltimore Ravens (Football)
Arkansas Razorbacks (Football)
Los Angeles Kings (Hockey)
Atlanta Braves (Baseball)
Los Angeles Angels (Baseball)
Chicago Bulls (Basketball)
Dallas Mavericks (Basketball)
Liked by: Luna-puppy

What would you name your first child?

Hm. Although I don't plan on having children in the future, I think I would name my first child Dante/Dylan (if the kid was a boy) or Acacia/Aspen (if the kid was a girl).
Daemon; Well, I don't really think I want kids as of now. Once I'm older I'm settled down with a wife or husband, I might change my mind. I think I'd name my first child Lara if I had a girl and Nathan if I had a boy. (You get a gold star if you can guess where the names are from. <3)
Liked by: Luna-puppy Tenebrism

Cass; -pouts and gives puppy dog eyes- But it's not healthy to live like that... I may have to make you meals while I'm in LA so you can get a taste of what home-cooked real food tastes like; that should change your mind!! Q ^ Q Not to mention hot fudge brownies are better fresh out of the oven cx

Daemon; -rolls eyes jokingly- Ugh, fine. How could I say no to the puppy dog eyes? That sounds like a great idea, I'd definitely love that. Especially anything that has to do with fudge or brownies. BUT, I will never forgive you if you make me fat so you better be tracking the carbs, Mr. XD

@Both: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Would you stay there for forever, or just for a little bit?

Aah, this is a tough one. There are so many places I'd like to live. But, in all honesty, I think I would like to live somewhere like South Beach, Miami in Florida or Los Angeles, Calfornia. Somewhere with a beach, big city, lots of fun attractions, tons of people to meet, things like that. I would want to live there forever if I managed to find a place in either location.
Daemon; Hmm, I think I would choose Paris. I, personally, think this would just be an amazing place to live. Of course, I wouldn't want to stay there permanently, maybe only a couple months, but I would enjoy every moment spent there.
Liked by: Tenebrism Luna-puppy

Let's face it... Cass makes the best nicknames haha Daemon is pretty close too, coming up with Cassipoo and all fufufu >^< Avior is definitely one that somebody would want to cuddle for eternity haha!

You are definitely right about that, hands down haha. Daemon is pretty random when it comes to creating nicknames, but I am glad he can even compare the the nickname-giving-master. (゜▽゜) I can imagine a young child cuddling with him in bed at night so that they can use him as a nightlight because they are afraid of the dark. cx

@Daemon; What is your opinion on the game Five Nights At Freddy's? And if you were somehow stuck living out the game, how well do you think you'd go?

Daemon; Since I am a big fan of horror games, Five Nights At Freddy's is actually pretty fun to me. Although it may not be as scary as some of the other things I have played in the past, it still does creep me out a little bit. If I was stuck living out the game, I think I'd do okay. I would prefer to be with someone, but since I would be alone, I think that I would be more focused on destroying Freddy and his friends rather than watching the cameras and trying to protect myself. ఠ_ఠ
Liked by: Luna-puppy

Cass; -chirps- Cooking lessons for Daemon!! 8'D

Daemon; Pfft, good luck with that one! I think I'll stick with Italian food and the microwave. ・ヘ・

@Daemon; If that special someone was feeling the effects of Winter, what would you do to warm them up? o v o

Daemon; There would be blanket/pillow forts by the fireplace, hot chocolate, unlimited movies and board games, and lots and lots of cuddling and snuggling. \(⌒▽⌒)/
Liked by: Luna-puppy Tenebrism

Both; Opinions on my new glowy-glowy glow worm (nickname courtesy of Cassian cx) Avior Nekkar? -gestures to numerous places such as my Ask page and signature on CS-

Omg. He is absolutely stunning! I was just about to get around to congratulating you on receiving that handsome boy. I just want to pick him up and cuddle him for eternity. <3 (PS: The nickname is too cute!)
Daemon; Wellll, I am pretty jealous of the glow. That's pretty cool, and not something you see a lot of. The name is also pretty epic. Gives me an idea or a character in a video game, actually. -chuckles-
Liked by: Tenebrism

Are either of you weak at the sight of blood?

For me, I only get weak when I see my own blood. If the blood belongs to other people, it really doesn't bother me, but for some reason when I see my own it does make me a bit nauseous.
Daemon; I don't mind blood one bit. Although it's not something I particularly want to be around a lot, I definitely wouldn't be bothered by it, regardless of the situation.

@Both; You're attempting to bake cookies... What is the end result? -gasps- What kind of cookies were they?

Uhm... Considering I am not THAT bad at baking, I suppose mine would turn out okay. Not super chewy but not crunchy either. They would probably have to be sugar cookies with M&Ms in them.
@Daemon; What kind of question is this? I have never made a cookie in my entire life. They'd probably end up black and burnt, like little lumps of coal. Originally, they would be double chocolate chip, because if I'm going to eat cookies they might as well be packed with carbs, but in the end they'd probably taste like... charcoal. ;-;

@Daemon; Any plans for fast approaching Christmas? e v e

Daemon; Well... I was thinking that I might like to go home and visit my parents for a little bit, then I'd either like to go somewhere with a couple of friends for about a week as a holiday vacation or maybe even spend Christmas with a special someone I have in mind. -shrugs-


Hey guys! I just wanted to apologize to a few of you (you know who you are) for my absence in my current roleplays. My laptop has been giving me a lot of issues lately so I gave it to my uncle who is fixing it for me, and I should have it back within the next couple of days. I would try to respond on my phone, but I just absolutely struggle so much. :c In the meantime, I'd love to get some more questions for Daemon or myself. <3
Liked by: Luna-puppy Tenebrism

Which languages do you understand or speak?

My first language is English, so I obviously understand and speak that one. I also take Spanish and can understand and speak it fairly well.

What music are you listening to right now?

Right now, I am listening to the Sinners Never Sleep album by You Me At Six. <3


Language: English