

Ask @Infernia

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Cass; I had a friend, back when I was younger, that forced me to sit with him through all the movies at least once a month; so I'm pretty good with them >^< Aaa yes! Darth Vader will fall to your penguin-ness and we shall rule the galaxy! Do, or do not... there is no try! And I say, do! -laughs-

Daemon; -stands tall with chest poked out, speaking in a deep voice- I, Penguin-Daemon, now rule this galaxy alongside my space warrior companion, Cassiepoo, and will do everything in my power to protect it.
-starts cracking up- I figured you needed a new name too, and that's what it shall be. Now, to go find lightsabers!!
Liked by: Tenebrism

Cass; I promise I won't make you fall off, pinky-swear! -chuckles- Oh, yay! And I'm paying, just so you know and you don't try to slip in an pay it -winks and laughs softly- I really owe you so much cx

Daemon; Well, alright. Pinky-swears can't be broken. -laughs- Ugh, if you say so. I won't pull anything, I promise. That's really sweet of you. -winks back and chuckles-

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Seamus: -looks around shiftily before spraypainting his signature on the bg of the ask page-

Daemon; -spots Seamus and chuckles, shaking his head-

@Both; -ehem- You were sucked into a video game or book with no known way of returning to the real world. You've experienced the game or read the book before, so you know how things happen in the end. If it was a bad ending experience, what would you do; and if it was a good one? What book/game?

Wow, this is actually a really good question. Personally, I think I would love to be in the Divergent series. Knowing that you are destined to do or be something, plus having a group of people like you... It would be like having a huge family. The ending wasn't the best, but I feel that I would do everything in my power to keep it from ending that way. If the ending was good, I would just want to go past the ending and see where things took me.
Daemon; Gosh, there are too many to choose from... I guess I would go with the Assassin's Creed games. (Bet you didn't see that one coming. xD) I would just love to live in that time period, have the rush and adrenaline of being an assassin, regardless of the ending.

@Both; Weirdest good combination you've ever eaten and actually enjoyed the taste of? o v o

Hmm... Probably pickles with frosting. I had it at a party once, and it actually wasn't that bad. I like it, but that's just me.
Daemon; I think that would have to be pringles with nutella. <33

Cass; -intense blushing at hug- Yeah, Star Wars references are cool; I tend to make them without much thought c': Star Wars meets penguins hehe -grins- I don't know who that Luke guy is that you're talking about, but I'll be sure to leave a note saying that I'm stealing his penguin! cx

Daemon; I have only seen the movies once, so I don't remember a whole lot, but I can always pick up on the references. c; Haha, I would totally watch that movie. Yeah, and while we are at it, we can defeat Darth Vader and rule the galaxy. cx

@Daemon; Character creator dress up games ay? c; Okay, okay. Any embarrassing moments you'd like to share that happened during your childhood/teenage years?

Daemon; Oh gosh, where do I even start?? There was that time my neighbors caught my dancing by my pool in my underwear to Rihanna, or when I got caught singing Sexy Back by Justin Timberlake in the shower that one time by my best friend, or when I was in college and I broke one of the computers on accident and lost my whole project which left me with nothing to turn in and a zero in the grade book, the time one of my female friends asked me to put on a dress to 'model' for her and she took a picture to post on every website imaginable... The list could go on and on.

Armani: I know right?! We like... should get together again sometime? If you'd like I mean. *smiles, hughing him bavk*

Daemon; Of course. I would really enjoy that.

Cass; Yay! I'm sure you'll have a ball on it~ And I won't pull any wheelies if you don't want me to q v q Yes, yes... I'll have to take you out for lunch as a thank you gesture! -plotting, devious mind-

Daemon; Wheelies sound pretty awesome... As long as there is no chance I'll fall off. Lunch also sounds great! \(^-^)/

Cass; -bursts out laughing- The power of penguin is strong in this one -giggle snorts-

Daemon; -laughs loudly- Luke... I am your penguin! -hugs- Star Wars references are cool.
Liked by: Tenebrism

(I shall wear this badge with pride cx) That's fair enough, Cass used to be a horror fan; he'd go on those ghost tour things when he was younger and just assume it was people in costumes if he ever saw anything XD

Ah, Daemon loves to do those. He also likes those haunted houses/trails where the people purposely try to scare you. XD Speaking of, I went on one the other night with some friends and it was terrifying. o.o

Armani: *leaps out and tackle hugs Dae* Fine. I won't hide~ *hugs Dae tightly* So comfy *^-^*

Daemon; 'hugs Ari back tightly, laughing- It's good to see you Ari!

Silly anon button is funny lol I'd love to hear back from ya soon! If you got Skype, PM me on CS and I'll add ya~

Omg. I am terrible at keeping up with emails so no wonder I am taking forever. ;-; I will definitely do that. <3

Cass; I could take you out on it one day, if you'd like? -smiles and laughs softly- Yeah, I suppose that does make me feel better about it hehe q v q I'm sure walking around with tissue up my nose is nothing on the embarrassment scale c':

Daemon; That sounds like a lot of fun. I would definitely enjoy that. -smiles back- I'm glad that I could make you feel a little bit better. c:

Akitas are gorgeous <3 o v o I have to say that German Shorthaired pointers are my favourite, mine is annoying but it's just her way of showing love cx)) @both; Favourite time of day? If there was one thing you wanted to say to somebody but didn't know how to put it; what would you want to say?

Ah, German Shorthaired Pointers are adorable! I love them, and I would also like to have one of those.
My favorite time of day is late evening, when the sun is starting to set, it's still warm but not as hot, and the sun just seems so much brighter. If I wanted to say something to somebody but didn't know how to put it, it would have to be telling my Spanish instructors that everything doesn't revolve around them and that I can't deal with everything they throw on me at once. I would want to say that, but alas, I cannot. *cries*
Daemon; My favorite time of the day is late evening, right when the sun starts to set. I could watch a sunset all day if that was possible. There's just something about it that I can't get past. If there was one thing I could say to someone right now, it would be to a certain someone I've been spending a lot of time with lately. I would just want to tell them that I have really enjoyed the time we have spent together, even though it wasn't all good, and that I'd really like to get to know them better. I'm just terrible at these sorts of things though, so I do not know how I would even begin to say it.

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@Daemon; What is your least favourite game genre? Any games you like to play but are embarrassed to play at the same time?

Daemon; Well, I like just about all game genres except for games that make me rage. I can't stand rage games, no matter what the genre is. And yeah, actually... there is. I like to play those games sometimes where you can create your own character and dress them up and all that. Wow, that's a lot more embarrassing out loud.

(I shall revel in this victory of getting the great Daemon Kessler to blush! -revels-) That description of a jump scare is pretty much Cass, only that is when he's half asleep... If he was entirely awake he'd just run away screaming XD he doesn't handle horror very well haha

(Congrats! You really earned it! XD) Haha, poor Cass. Dameon is a huge horror fan. He loves being scared... just the adrenaline and everything. \(^.^)/

Cass; Loud and obnoxious Daemon-penguin, there's nothing wrong with that at all fufufu

Daemon;; Haha! -loud, obnoxious penguin noises ensue as he begins to waddle toward Cass-
Liked by: Tenebrism

Cass; It was awesome! I forgot what it felt like to ride a road bike orz And the rollerblade incident is something I won't dwell on much haha! Yeah, I had walked around with tissues up my nose because I didn't want it bleeding everywhere e o e"

Daemon;; Believe it or not... I have never ridden on anything like that. Besides my baby, I haven't drive anything else on the road. And I definitely wouldn't want to dwell on that either, haha! That would be quite the scene, but I've probably done more embarrassing things on film for thousands of people to see, if that makes you feel any better. cx

Armani: But Dae!! I like your pengiwinoness~ It's like... *blushes and hidez*

Daemon;; Thanks Ari! -looks around frantically for him- Don't hide from me.... -sad face-

(Okay, last one for now ê v ê) @Daemon; Are you a horror game kind of guy? And what is your reaction when a really great jumps care catches you by surprise? c:<

Daemon; I am absolutely in love with horror games. They are probably my favorite genre. My reaction? Well, jump scares are always the worst for me. I jump like half a foot out of my chair, scream, have a mini heart attack- that sort of thing. xD

@Infernia and Daemon; (Dog are definitely best e v e) Favourite breed of dog? // Cass; Dogs don't like me q v q OOH! I have a question, favourite pie or cake flavour? // Favourite time of year? Favourite moment spent with a loved one? (Family, close friends, Uhh... Boy/girlfriend or crush? -shrugs-)

I totally agree with you on dogs being the best. ^o^ My favorite breed would probably have to be an Akita. <3
Daemon; My favorite breed would probably have to be a Pitbull.
My favorite pie flavor is pumpkin, and my favorite cake flavor is vanilla.
My favorite time of the year is summer, no doubt about it. I love the heat and the sunshine.
Hmm... Well, I don't know if this really counts as a 'moment', but once when I was at a convention, I bumped into this Kiamara and we both ended up injured,which led to us spending the whole day together. So far, that's my favorite moment spent with someone. I think that by now, I might even consider him a crush.
-blushes- (Oh! You've done it. The ever-so-confident Daemon Kessler is blushing!)
Liked by: Tenebrism

(ha ha, you've given me free questioning reign now cx) @Daemon; Any plans for Halloween?

Daemon; Hm, I haven't planned anything out yet. I might go to a party, or I might stay at home and have a horror movie marathon with some friends. If I go to a party and have to dress up, I plan on going as an assassin from the Assassin's Creed games.

@Daemon; (hmm) Any experience with fans that you'd rather didn't happen? Embarrassing, creepy, stuff like that?

Daemon; Don't even get me started on this... There have bee many incidents of stalking, fans mailing me plane tickets to come visit them, getting tattoos of things having to do with me... Then there are always those crazed fangirls at conventions that will try to kiss you or even touch you. It's all quite weird to me.


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