

Ask @Infernia

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What's your dream car?

Pfft, the new Lamborghini Veneno hands down. But, that's never gonna happen so... *cries*
Daemon; Well, I have my baby and I'd have to say that she is my dream car. So, Ferrari 458. <3
Liked by: Luna-puppy

I was just curious! I shipp him and Cassian pers. But my opinion being nosy agaain -.-

Ah, okay. Interesting....

They are the most adorable ship in the world! Like, nothing can compare to the Youtuber Galactic Overlord Penguin ship <33

Ugh, I know! 〜(^∇^)〜

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the real question is "who is so determined to find out?" e o e Infernia's going to enjoy toying with you, anon.

Omg. Thank you. You're exactly right.

So no hint at all?!

I did give hints! It's a guy, it has an "A" in it, and for the final 'hint'... It could be near the beginning or middle. Maybe what I should be asking is who everyone ships Dae with...

Hmm... where is the "A"? Start middle or end??

If I tell you that it will give it away!! Maybe it's a crush on more than one Kia, who knows?

Armani: Dae! *Pokes* Dae... *pokes again* Daemon... *pokes with really long stick*

Daemon; Ari! Stop that! -takes the stick and begins to poke Armani with it-

@Both; Walking ten steps in either direction, what object/person/pet is directly in front of you? This object is now your monster-fighting buddy, no matter how useless it may or may not be. How would you use your monster fighting buddy if you were up against what you're meant to fight? (I dunno cx)

If I were to walk ten steps, my object would be the second couch on the other side of the living room. I have NO CLUE how this thing could be my monster-fighting buddy, but I suppose I could figure something out. It would make a somewhat good barricade so I could snipe down the monsters, then I could hide somewhere and take a long nap. <3 xD
Daemon; After walking ten steps, I would run into my gaming setup. Maybe I could figure out a way to inject a microchip into the monsters and use the controllers and consoles to control them. Then, rather than having to kill the monsters, I could raise my own monster army! Mwahaha.

Grr... well... ahh ha! How many A's does this crush have in said name?

Hmm... At least one A. Maybe more. Who knows? (ಥ⌣ಥ)

Every Kia under the sun has an A in their name!! How are we supposed to figure it out ;;-;;

-evil laughter- This was the grand scheme all along!!!

@Both; You're spending the week at an old motel, though you weren't told that it's haunted by the ghost of the owner's deceased child. Strange things go bump in the night until you're attacked. Music on shuffle, the 2nd line to the fourth song is what you yell. The object to your right, your weapon?

Ooh, haunted motels. Sounds like fun! cx My song is Any Other Way by We The Kings, and if I am not mistaken, the line is, "And I'm standing tall", so I suppose I am about to arrest the ghost is going to be threatened by my incredible posture. >__< The object to my right is currently my headphones, and I have no clue how to fight with those.
Daemon; Hmm, I wouldn't mind being in a 'haunted' motel. Fighting ghosts outside of video games? No thanks. My song is Trumpets by Jason Derulo, and the second line would either be "I hear symphonies in my head...". The object to my right... A tripod to one of my cameras. I can make this work, haha. xD

@Both; You're attending a very important meeting that determines that fate of the apocalyptic world. A silence has fallen over everybody as the leaders make their decision. Your iPod on shuffle, the third song that plays is your ringtone that goes off loudly. What song was it? How would you react?

Omg. I got freakin' Love Runs Out by One Republic. xD I would be really embarrassed, first of all, then I would just causally -okay, not so causally- put my phone on silent and pretend it never happened, all while blushing like crazy.
Daemon; (I just made a quick playlist for him and put my phone on shuffle for that.) My song, unfortunately, is Addicted by Saving Abel. I would just pretend like it was meant to happen, even though the song is totally inappropriate for this type of meeting, then once the call ended, I would tell the leaders that I thought the song might give them some inspiration to make their decision. Yeah... It wouldn't go well at all.

Dae: who are you crushing on? Is it big? Or just a small "preschool" crush?

Daemon; I'll give everyone who is wondering a hint... HIS name has an "A" in it. I don't quite know what I'd categorize it under, though.

Just putting it out there, but, Daemon's friends are a lovely bunch aren't they? e v e Poor Dae! At least you only have to go through flower-crown treatment when friends with Cassian >^<

Oh, yes. They are the loveliest people that Daemon has ever had the pleasure of being around. That's a little better, even though Daemon can't tell the difference between a daisy and a dandelion. But, it's a crown, and as long as he feels like a king, everything will be alright. XD

Cass; -bursts out in giggles- Cassiepoo? That is the most intimidating name in the universe, along with light-sabre and penguin companion; I'd say we're a pretty scary bunch -laughs along with Dae- Best name ever, yep! And we do need light-sabres! I always found that wrapping paper tubes are best cx

Daemon; Well, duh! I obviously had to make you the most fearsome ruler in the galaxy so no one will try to mess with us or take away our titles. Those sounds like they work work great! A little bit of spraypaint, some scissors, and a couple of other things and they'd be perfect. cx

Cass; The pressure is on, the pinky swear has been -dramatic pause- initiated! I will not let you fall off the back cx Okay, okay! I want to be able to treat you like you treated me! I still have that helping somebody chain to pass on, but that doesn't mean I can't treat you to a lunch! o v o

Daemon; Good. -starts giggling at the dramatic pause- That's also great to hear! I'm glad you still remember the chain. \(^o^)/

Oh come on!! He's such a cutie!! Just a hint maybe? I nees to know if I ship!!!

If only I knew who you were, Mr./Mrs. Anonymous. \(^v^)/

Part Two for Answer About Feathers

"You know I can’t always be strong, and this is one of those moments. I mean, how can you stay strong when the one thing that gives your life meaning isn’t there anymore?”
Ryker didn’t say anything to me. He just squeezed my hand as tightly as he could muster and let out a whimper. It broke my heart.
“Ryk,” I started out quietly, “I just want you to know that I love you.”
His eyes fluttered open, looking straight into mine as he managed to croak out, “I love you too, Dae.”
Tears were streaming down both of our faces, and we refused to let go of each other. The heart monitor connected to Ryker was beginning to beep down, and this time a feeling deep in the pit of my stomach told me it was going to be for good.
(Two days later- At Funeral)
I stood in the back of the room, silently drowning in my own sadness as I watched each family member or friend step up to talk about Ryker. I was barely allowed to leave the hospital that evening, but had managed to convince the doctors and nurses to let me go for just long enough to attend the funeral. Now, I was beginning to wonder why I had come. Person and person stepped up and delivered their own speech, but I wasn’t really listening. I had already gone up to say what was on my mind, and now I just wanted to run. Time ticked by as the funeral proceeded, and I was avoiding everyone I knew. By the time I left the back room where I had been down on my knees, squalling like a baby, the entire building had nearly cleared out. Ryker’s parents, my parents, and Ryker’s little sister were the only patrons who still remained. I approached them at a limping gait, wiping at my bloodshot, swollen eyes. Ryker’s mother handed me a small, rectangular shaped box without a word. I went to open it up, trembling hands fumbling with the neatly-tied bow on top of it. The lid dropped to the floor and I was surprised at what I found inside of the box: three identical feathers, all colored in a variety of brilliant greens. There was a note, scrawled messily on a piece of paper. As I lifted it from the box and started to read, my eyes began to burn once again with the tears that flowed down my cheeks. They were from Ryker. The message scribbled on the paper felt like a knife to the heart. He had written it in the hospital, and asked for it to be delivered to me.
“Daemon, I’m sorry I couldn’t give these to you in person. You mean the world to me, and I want you to have something to remember me by. Promise me that you won’t ever give up. If you go down, I know you’ll go down fighting. I love you. –Ryker”

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Liked by: Luna-puppy Tenebrism

How did you get such pretty feathers Daemon?

(I have decided to put it in story-form for you, dear anon. Just know that Ryker is Dae's best friend, and they were in a terrible accident on the way home from a party the night before and are now in the ICU at an emergency room. This is only part one, part two and possibly part three will follow.)
I laid in bed wide awake that night. I was too worried about Ryker. His labored, choked breathing, small whimpers, sound of his heart monitor slowing nearly to the point of a flatline, then picking up speed at a painstaking rate. The medical personnel were doing everything they could, but he only seemed to grow worse. I wasn’t sure how we had ended up like this. I mean, I knew, but I didn’t understand why it had to happen. I was sixteen, and Ryker was eighteen. Both of us were still in high school. We had so much to look forward to. Now, he was starting to wave good-bye to all of that, and I was balancing on a line of determination to keep fighting and exhaustion that screamed for me to give up. I let myself drift off to sleep. By the time the sun rose the next morning, I realized Ryker was so far over the edge I knew there was no coming back. He had given up, despite my pleading. It was driving me insane, having to listen to him drift in out of consciousness, struggle for every breath, and whimper every time he attempted to move even a fraction of an inch. Our parents had only gone home to change clothes and get breakfast, and would be back in about an hour or two. A stream of visitors- friends, family, people we barely knew- had been in and out for the majority of the night before, trying to talk to me and ask questions. I didn’t talk though, not to anyone. I had fallen into an unescapable abyss of depression knowing that my best friend would not be able here with me for much longer. I got permission from the nurse that had been watching over us to go to Ryker’s bedside. She helped me up from my own bed, helping me move my maze of wires, needles, and bandages to the side of the room where Ryker laid. The nurse left us alone, and as I stood there on weak legs looking at my best friend, I felt tears come to my eyes. I gripped his hand with one of my own.
“Please don’t give up, Ryker. I don’t know what I would do without you. You mean more to me than anyone else I’ve ever known. I have learned so much from you. You’ve always been there for me, and I need you now more than ever. Without you, things won’t be the same. Just think about all of the memories we’ve made, the things we’ve done together, how much we truly do need each other. I can’t help but feel like I’ve cheated you, like this should be me instead of you. I can’t do this. I’m not strong enough. You’ve helped me face my fears, no matter how irrational, you’ve always believed in my dreams, no matter how ridiculous, and you’ve always had my back. You’ve always given me that extra push I need, supported my decisions, treated me like family… And for that, I’ll never be able to thank you enough

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Saw Daemon has a crush. Who's the lucky guy/guys?

Hiya anon. XD I don't know if I should post JUST YET, but keep an eye out. c;

@Both; You forced to go back to a certain time period. Which period? (It may be alternate universe) You aren't going alone, however. The last person you talked to and a fictional character will be there too. Who goes? You may take one bag between the three of you; what do you pack? Choice of weapon

(I really like this question too, omg.)
I feel like I would choose some period from the older Egyptian times. The people going would be my mom (I just sent her a text xD) and Minho from The Maze Runner series because I really like him. In the bag, we would obviously have food, medical supplies, and whatever other important things we would need to survive until we could get more from somewhere else. I'm also going to less us all have a weapon of choice for this one. My weapon of choice would be broadsword, my mom would probably just yell at them to stop leaving dirty dishes in the sink until they cried, and Mino would probably use his speed/agility and hand-to-hand combat.
Daemon; I would love to go back to the Medieval period. I feel like I would make an amazing king or knight, hehe. The last person I talked to would have to be you, and a fictional character would be Jon Snow from Game of Thrones. In our bag, we would obviously have things needed to survive, plus a few of our own personal items and other things. My weapon of choice would either be a tomahawk, throwing knives, or maybe even a blowdart gun.

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//Now some more fun questions 8'D// @Both; The zombie apocalypse has just started and your team consists of; the last singer you listened to, the protagonist of the last video-game you played (or book read), and main character of the last movie you watched. Do you think you'll survive?

(I LOVE this question! ^ v ^ )
The last song I listened to was Centuries by Fall Out Boy, so I suppose the last singer would have to be Patrick Stump since he's the lead singer. Protagonist of the last video game I played would be Caius Ballad from Final Fantasy, and the main character of the last movie I watched is Thomas from The Maze Runner. I think we could definitely survive! I would actually love to have this team.
Daemon; Let's see here, the last singer I listened to would have to be Jared Weeks from Saving Abel, the protagonist would be Ryder White from Dead Island, and the main character would be Todd from the Chaos Walking series. I feel like we wouldn't get along very well, but we would definitely be well off if we could work together.

//Totally didn't see Assassin's Creed coming, nope cx// @Daemon; Your worst Halloween experience?

Daemon; Uhm, definitely two years ago when one of my "lovely" friends decided to give me what I thought was a caramel apple. It turned out to be a raw onion covered in caramel. That was disgusting, but not all. I got my drink, gulped down a few swallows, then realized that had put like half a bottle of hot sauce in it. Naturally, with my mouth on fire, I ran to the fridge to find some milk or something to get rid of the burn, and a couple other friends who were in on the prank attacked me with water balloons in my own house. Needless to say, it wasn't much fun.

Cass; -giggles- I remember you mentioning that acting out music video thing when we were at dinner! // @Dae; How old were you when you decided to begin your Youtuber and graphic design career? o v o

Daemon; -chuckles- Well, I can't say I'm surprised that you remembered something from that day... Just a bit disappointed it had to be that- terribly embarrassing- moment of my life . // I believe I was around the age of fourteen or fifteen when I decided that's what I wanted to do. I had always been big into gaming and designing, I just hadn't decided that I would make videos or find a job in either field until then. ^ v ^


Language: English