
Aleczandria Gutierrrz

Ask @ItsAleczandriaBitch

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When was the last time you went to the Dentist? Did you have any cavities?

December 12th I believe & no cavities 😁

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Is giving out your number/social media considered cheating?

When giving out your platforms of social media I say no but your number seems extreme

Should I should've been cut her off? My older half sister never liked me. She pretended to like me. She picked on me growing up. Gossiped about me and told her boyfriends to pick on me. Now that our mom is dead she tells me she never gave a f*ck about me and she's adopted and is trying to kill me.

If she’s acting like that I would, I mean she is adopted not even her own mother wanted her🤷🏻‍♀️

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Did you have those weird hearing tests done at school when you were a kid. Where you had to wear headphones and raise your hand to show which side you heard the beep on 😂

Was that a real thing?👽

Why wouldn’t u talk to me ? Why can’t u even look at me in the face and have a conversation ?

You ain’t bout it

Are you the type of person who eats a full breakfast every morning or the type of person who only drinks coffee?

Big breakfast 🐷🐷

have u ever met someone with the same bday as you?

My little cousin & some girl I went to middle school with but I also share my birthday with Kris Jenner

Did you know that these are meant to be questions, not status updates? 😑

What’s your question🙃


Language: English