
Jordan Hunter

Ask @JordanHunter19

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Do you think something like talent exists, or is it all about how hard you work for your goals? If you think there is talent...do you think that some people are more gifted than others, or does everyone have a special talent and they just haven't found it yet? :) xx

I think both exist. Someone can have talent but someone who works hard may be become better than those who are naturally talented. And.i do believe.everyone has a special talent and that someone is always the best at something.

B/c people are rude & would probably use it against you

Oh i got it now. Sorry i had to reread it. But yea im not about to say my weakness.

Opinion on Zimmerman being plead not guilty ?

Good question.
Heh. I'm not happy.
I'm not saying it because of the race card. I'm saying it because witnesses and evidence reported hearing screams a young boy(Martin) not screams coming from Zimmerman. I'm not about to riot like others but.im not happy..

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Lol I don't know why they do it. Probably the same reason as me. To state the fact

Hahah ok so two people hate me x'D whoopdeedeedoo

Lol you have to realize that it's not just one person asking all the questions. There are multiple people on here saying things. So no, I did not. You have no idea who says this crap and normally it's not the same person over and over again.

Oh so why are all of you just on here to tell me how much you dont like me

How does that make me a jerk? Haha by not putting people's names out there without their consent? Lol

No by calling me a "dumbass" and an "asshole"

Lol why are you so worried about it of you're not coming back? And some aren't so open and honest about it as others

Im not worried id like to know and obviously you cant tell me someone

Lol that's 8 people out of almost 200.

Yea well they still are there for me and theres others too. Like Ash theres multiple ones i forgot to mention

Lol I'm not the one that said that.. If it was band related than it was somebody other than me

Oh then how do I know you?

Lol doesn't matter being I don't ever have to deal with you again

Well obviously your statement about EVERYONE hating me was wrong sooo XD hahah
Lets see i got
Hmmm youre wrong

B/c you annoy me

Hahahahah i gmfigured it out! Now micaela get the hell off my page i did NOTHING but be there for you and be nice to you!


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