
Jordan Hunter

Ask @JordanHunter19

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I HATE people that just walk around like they're the shit but in reality no1 likes them because of it! Well enough about that :P!! What's up?

Listening to B.o.B hbu?

My phone doesn't let me post videos and is rather not twerk!! Lmfao I hate how I look so i try and not go for ppl that love ppl for looks and not personality. Sorry, it's dumb.

Luckily i dont judge looks haha. I never really have. Im not shallow. and i feel the same way as you haha

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I don't hate u either!! Haha!! Lmfao twerking. Haha!! Lmfao!! Seems simple enough!!XP

Haha if you ever try it i want to see (: I got an idea!

Not rly!! Like I can't help but be only myself and myself isn't a prissy girl that thinks she's gonna break a nail. A loth of ppl hate that but...idk. :P

I dont hate it haha. i dont really like prissy girls too much...too many bad experiences...

I mean it seems simple enough haha lmfao but it would prob look like I'm having a seizure!! Haha lmfao I'm not good at that kind of thing...anything really that involves "flirting" I suck at!! :P

What makes you say that? (: you seem good at it haha

Yes. But I hate the ninja turtles. Such posers. Pffftt!!

Yea, pshh I learned from Madara Uchiha...thas a real ninja(instead of "nigga" XD i crack myself up), right there!

It's the same for every1. All bark no bite. Like don't call me names, FIGHT ME! Haha jkjkjkjk I'm not 1 to get into fights but like if someone wants to fight, it's not a problem 4 me!! :)

XDDD hahah I jokingly fought two of my friends at the same time and for a Black guy, i fight like a ninja hahah XDDD

Same. People always wanna start shit but if ur gonna hurt me use ur fists not ur words. Like dead ass.

Well i can win that too, but nobody trys me XD haha because it never even gets past the words

Haha lmfao!! My favorite thing ever!!...BLACK MAIL!! And to a teacher too!!? Wow. Awesome!!

haha that proved i was black because i was a true "G" now im just so calm nowadays. people have tried to start beef with me but I just laugh at them for even trying

Haha lmfao that's good!! Haha!!XD!! 1 sec...can't breathe...laughing...to much!! XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD!!

Yea, he almost gave me iss for laughing but then i told him i would pull the race card and tell people it was because i was black that he was picking on me and that he had already tried to contradict my race

Oh. And WTF. Racist teachers!! DEY FUCKED UPPPP!!! Like that's just not rite. Srsly.

Haha I laughed at him and then went and hung out with my black friends (:

Haha ok good!! Ur Spanish?! SAMEEEEEE!!! But my drama teacher said "BUT UR SO WHITE!!" Like WTF. racist teacher. :P

I'm not spanish 0.o
Im black/white 0.o
I had a teacher tell me that i wasnt black and that i should stop trying to fit in with them by saying that I was.

Sowey I tend to do that.... Well... I meant the Italian sounds like a drunk person trying to speak Spanish!! Haha lmfao no offense!!!!

HAHAHAHA XD I wouldnt take offense haha im not Italian

Italiano? Sounds weird. Hmmm. HMMM. idk. ...??... Wow. I just weirded myself out...sowey.

Haha what?? I think you just confused me XD
Liked by: Asaiel


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