
Jordan Hunter

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What is more difficult for you, looking into someones eyes when you are telling someone how you feel, or looking into someones eyes when they are telling you how they feel?

ThatsSoMeee’s Profile PhotoElena
Them looking into mine.
Liked by: Elena

You are on a flight from Honolulu to Chicago non-stop. There is a fire in the back of the plane. You have enough time to make ONE phone call. Who do you call? What do you tell them?

ThatsSoMeee’s Profile PhotoElena
Id Call my mom and just tell her I love her and too let my closest friends know of my demise so they are not left wondering
Liked by: Elena

first person who ask you "<3" ask him or her 10 questions

Ill do a few of them if i get any but ok haha i see what this is supposed to do thanks (:

You can have one of the following two things. Which do you choose? Why? Love and Trust.

ThatsSoMeee’s Profile PhotoElena
Trust because through trust I develop love. I cant love you fully though if i dont trust you. But if I trust you then Ill love you till the world ends because i know youll always be there for me
Liked by: Elena

why are you heartbroken?x

Because I get too attached and trust too much and it always turns around on me every time.
I'm just tired of losing...

When was the last time you told someone HONESTLY how you felt regardless of how difficult it was for you to say? Who was it? What did you have to tell the person?

ThatsSoMeee’s Profile PhotoElena
And We wrote each other these long letters about how great friends we were too each other and how I could always trust her and come to her for anything. Her's was 4 pages long and mine was about 4 pages and then I made an additional 2 pages
Liked by: Elena

Would you rather be hurt by the one you trust the most or the one you love the most?

ThatsSoMeee’s Profile PhotoElena
Well i just had both of those happen and i didnt really like either but id rather be hurt by the one I love so that i can still have someone i trust
Liked by: Elena

Who are u in love with?;) and if the answers no one ;) well I'm single ;)

Heartbroken. so idk what that means exactly. but come off anon and maybe we can talk and become friends etc.

who is in your profile pic..is it you?...and why did you choose it as the picture everyone will see when they look on your profile? :) xx

It is me.:D and Idk i just like that pic. Honestly I think it over exaggerates me though :/ Im not really that cool XD haha

Do you have any special "abilities?" Do you like it or no?

I have foresight and I swear to god I hate it sometimes...like now i saw this about to happen but i didnt stop it

When you compliment someone, what do you tend to focus on? (Looks, intelligence, personality…)

ThatsSoMeee’s Profile PhotoElena
Anything and everything positive im not shallow or picky (:
Liked by: Elena

Think of your oldest friend. If you met them now do you think you would still become friends?

ThatsSoMeee’s Profile PhotoElena
Hell Yeah! both of them Marcus and Patrick
Liked by: Elena

As long as you think you are beautiful, you will be beautiful ,because the true meaning of beauty is self esteem. Have a nice day :)

ThatsSoMeee’s Profile PhotoElena
Awww thank you (:
Liked by: Elena


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