
Jordan Hunter

Ask @JordanHunter19

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If you had the ability to turn into an animal whenever you want…what animal would it be? xx

Extinct: Pterodactyl
Alive: Eagle/Crow or wolf

Imagine you had to change your name…you can choose it yourself but it has to be the name of a plant (flower, tree, whatever…) …how would you call yourself? xx

Xylan meaning of the forest in Greek
Matsu meaning Long Life in Japanese
they are both plant names

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What would you do if you would get a monkey as gift?

Id name him Jack and teach him how to attack people I dont like XD

kkkkkkk, are you online right now? & :( im sorrrrrry ! :*

Yes I am! and its fine! just brings back all my emotional torture XD (; <3

What is your favourite fairy tale ever? Why do you like it so much?...If you were a part of it..who would you be and why? :) xx

The Japanese Myth of "Izanami and Izanagi"
I like it because it shows the depth of Love and compassion but also the downfall of loving so much and how easily you can get hurt from love.
I would want to be...Amaterasu or Susan'O
Amaterasu is the Sun God and is born from Izanagi cleansing his face in a river in the Underworld
Susan'O is the Storm God and God of Death and was born the Same way as Amaterasu and Tsukyuomi(the moon god).
Id be either of those because they were all powerful and were the only ones not to be physically or emotionally hurt in the story hahah


Language: English