

Ask @KateOliviaRogersX

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If you had to choose a type of color that you thought represented yourself, which would it be?


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yes, we look like absaloute foofys here, but idk, I can be myself around her, shes perfect, it feels like ive known her for ages, she always says mean stuff about me too my face but shes being honest ahha, I love her lots my batterys dying so yea shes perfect and I love her!!xxxxxxx
Liked by: Carys Penny;)

Omg Kate that was soooo cute,I love you so much to,and yes I did;(I done a teddy bear roll and broke my thumb,felt like a dick telling them in the hospital<3({

Sophie Owen
Nawwh, had too be cute for you tho;), goodie:), haha omfg haha ILOVEYOUAYE!!!:Dxxxx

Opinion big!!!<3

Sophie Owen
OMFG I LOVE YOU!!, you actually perfect, I love your hair and glasses and everything about you tbh, your brothers sooo hottt munnn!, see where you get it from now haha!;), your stunning, your eyes are beautifull, your figure is outstanding, your perfect the way you are being honest so don't you ever change!!, your one of the lovliest girls ive ever met!!, your so hilarious, we have a couple of memories but we have loads more too come!!;), your perfection, your so tall aye, I cant catch up with you ahah!, you always put a big smile on my face and never fail too make me laugh haha, you should be a comedian when you older, I heared about you breaking your finger on the teddy bear roal in p.e omfg I was pissing myself laughing when izzy told me hahah!, you have an amazing personality, your a ledgend fp;), cant wait for you party, im not in school Friday going out too get an outfit for the night see;), im actually bouncing, I love you so so much, wish we were much closer, the time will come soon inno It will;), me and you are amazing dancers haha;o, we have swag overloads tbh;), don't ever change, sorry its not much ILOVEYOUPRINCESS!!!:*<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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I didnt say i hated u but some1 told me that u hated me for what no reason and i really didnt like what u were putting my best friend through.

I said I hated you because I thought you hated me, and she put me through things too but were alright now so.

Opinion : 3 x

Morgan Hearne
Hot, so gorgeous, always talk on kik now hehe, your so funny, hilarious actually always make me laugh, never fail too put a smile on my face, really tall!o.o, lovely boy tbh, would love to get to know you better, btw answer my opinion now haha;) don't change love you:)xxx


Omg haha, your hilarious,! Used to be in my primary have loads of memories aye, your really funny haha, always make me laugh!!, tidy asf tbh, known u for ages sorry its not much but dont change xxx


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