

Ask @KateOliviaRogersX

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Who's that twat that said they was me plus wa you on about liking you best friend!!!

I dunno they were on anon, and megan brown you like her don't u?<3

I love you but I cant tell you who I am, im too embarrassed....xxxx

ahw this is so sweet, pop me up? don't be embarrassed! honestly I wont say anything!xxxx

Hey it's Matli I've always liked you I snake you all the time is there any chance me and you could ever go out cause I love you see and if there is Please please go out wiv me I'm begging like a girl right now cause of you!!!<3<3<3

this isn't matli haha he likes one of my bestfriends so fuck off isseh

1)fav food? 2)celeb crush? 3)dream job? 4)do you like your name? 5)embarrassing moment 6) guilty pleasure? 7) fav song? <3

1. mcdonalds
2. don't have one?
3. to be a beautician
4. its orite?
5. not mentioning it on here!
6. dafuq??
7. taylor swift 22
Liked by: Ethan Griffiths :*

5 people you always talk to, 5 people you who mean the most to you, 5 people you miss, 5 people you you hate, 5 people you are close with and can tell everything to, 5 people you last saw, 5 people you want to talk to, 5 people you can trust, 5 nicest people you know, 5 people you never talk to now

who I always talk too:
1. dan
2. grace
3. my family
4. friends
5. my little brother
who means the most too me:
1. dan
2. grace.
3. my mum
4. shauna, izzy, and meg
5. my little brother!
I miss:
1. dan
2. jenna davison
3. my nan:(
4. my mam:(
5. and... grace;)
I hate:
1. tyanna
2. amy
don't hate anyone else!!
Who are close and I can tell everything too:
1. Grace
2. Dan
3. My mum
4. Isobel, shauna, megan, and bridey.
5. lauren
i last saw:
1. Grace
2 Morgan bennetta
3. Morgan butler
4. my dad
5. my mam and my little brother
i want to speak too:
1. Grace
2. Dan
3. idk?
4. idk?
5. idk?
i can trust
1. izzy
2. meg
4.my mam
nicest people i know:
1.Grace haycox
2. annie williams
3. elle edwards
4.megan lloyd
5.anya laesser
1. jenna
2. chloe
3. chloe
4. olivia
5. shaun

1. why you so pretty?:-( 2. what school do you go to? 3. would we get close soon?:-) 4. come out soon? 5. how come we've never talked before? 6. where abouts do you live? 7. when's your birthday? 8. what year? 9. what do you want to be when your older? 10. whats your favorite food xoxoxox

1. omg haha im not!!
2. coleg cymendeol y dderwen ( ynysawdre) ;)
3. yeah if you came out I guess and we keep on talking?:D
4. yeah deffo!!
5. urm I dunno tbh haha!
6. I live in llangeinor!
7. February 3rd
8. 2000
9. a beautician!
10. umm mcdonalds:D

Opinion beautiful?xoxxxoxxoxox

Well, your in my school, amazing personality, gorgeous boy hehe, quite tall O.o lovely boy, you play guitar:D so nice to talk to, so down to earth, didn't really know u that much before but I feel like ive come closer too you now, very funny, see u in jamm club haha jesus and me swag;) and im always here for you if you need me don't change!xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Liked by: Whispers


Language: English