

Ask @KateOliviaRogersX

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This is Kate's parent and I am deeply concerned of the below conversation, I can offer you assurance that I shall be at the school tomorrow. I have sufficient evidence to provide to the POLICE should there be any need.


What's shai done then? Btw your losing your friends by sticking up for Sophie

I actually don't care shes worth it tbh?, its worth all of what im going through, sophies a lovely girl and I love her too bits shes lovely so leave me and her alone!!!

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If shai was ringing you she would put 141 so that's a lie, she didnt lie about it, she got told so your lying again, she's not two faced, she's lovely, your the two faced one, who's your best friend? She hasnt said anything horrible to anyone in a while, looks like you lied on all of them, ha

actually well she didn't?, and my best friends mother answered the phone and she was cheeking her she has no repsect!, I would never do that, your obviousaly one of her bestfriends that she hasn't turned on yet, and do u wanna know all my bestfriends names?:) well Katie mccann, grace haycox, lauren chard, megan brown, isobel webb, shauna davies, chloe woolcock, bridey pughe, yeah theres more from where that came from and they would all stick up for me aswell as I would stick up for them, and yeah I admit I can be two faced on times but atleast I admit it?, everyone is in a way, and in a while yeah course she hasn't, AND NO I HAVENT LIED ON ANY SINGLE ONE OF THEM HA!:) GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT AND PLEASE GET A GRIP!!:)

Shais sisters ain't going to beat you up, their going down to see head of year, annons bull shitting again

ok, and who are u?o.o

You in school tomorrow? Shais sisters are going down there, so good luck haha

Now you decide to come of anon?:) and well I don't need good luck? because I really don't care? im just sticking up for my mates ok! inno your sticking up for shai and I get that but you don't have to go onto every single person!! and if they do well teachers would come and help its a school not a fighting arena.

You write on my ask first then tell me to leave you alone, stupid hash

oh hi ella:) I was saying too leave all the girls alone, sorry for caring but that's me:)

And actually shai doesn't slag you off

she does tho? how do you know anon?, she even called me angin and stuff to my face and admitted it so ask her that :)

Answer my question, what's shai done?

Well where can I start this will go on forever!!:)
She shit stired about sophie jumping her?
she acts all two faced like one minute she is tidy the next shes the biggest bitch in the world
texting me all nice stuff half the time then phoning me up saying its not her when I have her number:)
she was horrible to my best friends and still is.
turning friends against me.
slagging me off:)
and that's not half of it babes:)

Do you like shai now? And no actually she isn't the bully

well no not really after everything ive been through, and yeah I think youll find she is the fucking bully so leave me alone oh yeah chilidish being on anon hunny!:)

I like shai, your all bullying her slagging her of on ask, harsh

I did too before all this started tbh, ive had it up too here with all the arguing, and i'm sure she has too, and haha she slags me off on ask too so please just stop making it worse! just ask her all the things she's been doing to me and my friends! ganging up on me with all her friends bringing them up llan, phoning me saying its not her!!! yeah im bullying her???:L


Tom Evans
okay;) well your such a lovely boy aye, id love to get too know you more, ledgend fp, didn't/don't deserve any of the abuse you get, lovely personality, hot, gorgeous, in my school saw you in the party!:) sorry its not much but don't change;)xx
Liked by: Tom Evans

Ahww your both so short so you will be perfect for eatchother!!>.<

I will take this as a compliment?O.o


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