

Ask @KateOliviaRogersX

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Opinion on sophie owen?;)

omg I love the kid, shes so lovely, gives lush hugs, really really pretty, very tall too!o.o, were quite close atm but I would like to get closerrr, shes such a nice girl tbh, has a heart of gold, she has swaggg fpp;), I wouldent change her for the world love her lots and lots;)xxxxxxxx

Iccle paragraph?<3

Bryony John
beautifull, so happy all the time, bubbly aha!, lovely girl, got a heart of gold, been out a few times round llan, really nice, suit callum so cute aye, your bestfriend shai's a ledgend haha!, id love to get closer come out soon!xxxxx
Liked by: Bryony John

Don't listen to those stupid people, that have nothing better to do in their lives than make someone else's worse;) my turn now- opinion please?;)xxxxxxxx

Thankyou:), and haha inno rite;), and your so perfect, lovely girl, i love you and everything about you, your always there for me, your so feking tall maaaan, see you in youth later sorry its not much aha, love you lots like jelly tots xxxxxxxxxxx
Liked by: Lauren Chard

anon leave her alone, shes not attention seeking, shes truly upset because i saw her earlier!, shes going through a tough time right now ok so leave her alone seriousaly.


I saw you crying earlier you attention seeking little cow

are you me are you living my life right now? no! well do you know what im going through? no! I was crying because of certain things ok and i wasn't attention seeking because i was on the phone crying to my mam and i wouldent go to lesson either, i was crying my eyes out too the girls aswell, so think before you speak k

aw I wish I could've been there for you hugging you and telling you everything will be orite, but I wasn't:(

aww cute, but dw I was with the girls they looked after me!:)xxx

I saw you crying your eyes out earlier are u ok!?xx

omg did I look a mess ye?o.o, and yea im sortov orite now:/ thanks x

You guys spelt beautiful wrong?:o, don't listen to them freaks beautiful, everyone noes your perfect!:*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Aww thankyou:*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

this should be your last answer on ask ..... YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! <33; You don't know me but when i saw that last answer i thought " WTF " You are pretty .... stay strong and keep being YOU!

Aww thankyou, this is so sweet:) awwww:) xxxxx

oi big nose

Go away ive had enough of childish people hiding behind anon, im sick and tired of everything and everyone im sick of crying myself too sleep at nights just honestly you actually DO NOT know what im going through so go away ive had enough of everyone im disabling my ask because of people like you so fuck off!!!!!!!!
Liked by: Carys Penny;)


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