

Ask @LittleNormandy

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Have you ever posted a photo of you here? I'm just trying to form a picture of you in my head... Anyway, I'm Brazilian and I found you a few months ago just looking for more Valkubus and I started to read your twitter. I want you to know that you make my day better countless times. You're very cool.

:D yes I have, a long time ago though.

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Are you and Nephy dating? Do you know each other in person?

No and no although she does send me nudes because she's desperate, poor thing.

I miss your fics, I feel like everyone has left the fandom.

It's hard to remain invested in a show I haven't watched in over a year and that treated me like crap. Plus my personal life (studies) is stressful as fuck right now I don't even have time for anything these days.

i did this question to another person but i wanna read your answer ...if you could pick a house of hogwarts to this people: Nepheron, Zoe, Gnome, Shannon where they would go?

Gnome would be in gryffindor, Nepheron in Hufflepuff, Zoe in Ravenclaw and Shannon in Syltherin :P

I just don't understand why J.K did that :( harry should be with hermione! and not with ginny ><

Not her finest creative decision

sorry about this but i don't know so what's the meaning behind your icon and neph?

It's a mass effect thing

are you jealous that gnome talk so much with nephy?

Very, I cry myself to sleep every night thinking about it

how did you get umbreon in soulsilver!?!?

Easy, Bill gives you eevee, level it up at daycare centre but to make it evolve you have to make it happy (feed it lots of rare candies and give it haircut/massages etc.) during the day it will evolve into espeon so if you want umbreon you have to wait til night time before making it level up and if it's happy it will evolve, night time is 9pm-5am


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