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Why you don't like Bo and Lauren together? :(

I do I just prefer valkubus, bo and lauren have been fucked up since the start

It would be interesting if Felix is Sarah's monitor... but i don't know if I want that plot twist. lol


Cosima is my new favorite character. Her personality is so cute :D it makes her so attractive

Yeah I love how the clones personality makes them hot or not to different people
Liked by: Kikoro

Corphine is my OTP, I should listen to your tv show advice more often!

Hell yea, now go watch season 1 of prison break (no lesbians but it's still awesome)
Liked by: Kikoro

Tatiana Maslany is soo adorable

She is, so grounded too, doesn't like to do magazines and stuff she's all about her work :)

Remember when you said sharapova would win Wimbledon..ha ha hahahahaha, may the biggest player win

I said she SHOULD, but this year has been crazy I'm not even 100% certain Serena will

is it just me that thinks naya's music isn't gonna do very well? I mean her fandom isn't really that big, and nor is the glee fandom plus no one really watches glee or knows who she is

I don't agree with her recent uh...change but i'll give her credit she's gained more mainstream fans (ie the rapper guys fans), and as a result has lost some of her own fanbase (plus glee in general has been bleeding fans so that doesn't help), but the question remains is the new fanbase just a fleeting thing? Strike while the iron is hot? Are they for example going to still follow her in a years time? I'm thinking no. I hope her album does well but the music needs to be really, REALLY good. I don't know what to expect from her, I don't even know what sound she's going to come out with. I'm intrigued, I hope she does well but cynical/realistic side of me knows she probably won't.
Liked by: Kikoro

Lea, what are some of your favorite bands?

Too many to list. The Killers, Metallica, No Doubt and Daft Punk come to mind

Okay I need some sort of a clarification here..So Bo is a succubus, succubus is not a shipping name, and she can't stay with wolfyboy I thought she was gonna be with the blonde girl who hasn't showed up yet but whatever,and which shipping names do I have to know about?This show freaks me out srsly

Doccubus and Valkubus are the only two you need to concern yourself with lol

AHHHH I can't wait 7 months is too much omg i wanna cry 7 months without Cosima and Delphine

IKR? I wished I waited till december to watch it lol

I think that Cosima is becoming an important character as Sarah because the fandom is loving Cosima sp much

Yeah, that's why I personally don't see her dying, they'd need another hug personality like her to fill the gap and they don't have it yet

Sarah, Alison and Cosima are the same person but Cosima is the only one that turns me on

Same, personality is definitely attractive, not just looks. :)


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