

Ask @LittleNormandy

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Who did you fight beside the most in ME1?

Liara/Garrus was a good combo, and then Kaiden/Wrex/Ashley

longest period of time you've gone without shaving your legs?

lol gnome, uh probably a few months actually (in the winter)

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If you, Neph, and Gnome are the Unholy Twitter Trinity, Gnome is totes Quinn because she's got this secret little darkness about her but is totally BA, you're Santana bc you're sassy, an artistand you seem really loyal, Neph is Britt she's bi and smart and has interesting obsessions (in a good way!)

Liked by: Gnome syifarahma

Today it's a good day for Lil Nephy shippers. First you said you want her body(wanky) and now not just you know her real name but you thought in your real ship name. Agg.

Y'all need help

you write gratuitous sex scenes but you also write with deep feeling and lots of backstory and character struggle, it's so rare to find both so thank you :-)

Liked by: syifarahma

I got hooked on Orphan Black and I blame it on you. But thank you so much for tweeting that! :D

Damn you mine is still downloading

Opinion on rap?

90% of rap artists contribute to misogyny and homophobia in the industry and ergo society, so I don't really support the culture of rap music nor even like how it sounds most of the time.

Do you remember your first kiss?

Yes it was with a boy and we both just ate cheese flavoured crisps LOL

HAHAHAHAHA "i woke up a changed woman" you're amazing

Turned out if you roll out the left side of your bed it makes your straight, the right side makes you gay, if you roll out the bottom of the bed it makes you bisexual.
Liked by: Kikoro

Opinions on Harry Potter series?

books are flawless (although the 6th was iffy), the movies don't really do the books justice.


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