

Ask @Louis12519

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why don't you ever be a "guy" att school

it's a long story, but i was planning on it tomorrow so look for me ig

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and im a freshman and i wanna cry bc i hate it 😭😭😭 and i need to find friends and keep them forever

pinkiepie8080’s Profile Photocat
do good in freshman year dude


The rules:
Rule #1: Always post the rules.
Rule #2: Answer the question the person that tagged you asked, then write 11 new ones.
Rule #3: Tag 11 people, then link them in the post.
Rule #4: Tell them you tagged them.
I was tagged by @Alienator
1. would you rather eat only pizza or tacos for the rest of your life?
Ans. Pizzas!!
2. what is something you could never give up?
Ans. Friends n family
3. least favorite color(s)?
Ans. That weird yellow green one and pink. I hate pink.
4. something you would never try?
Ans. Skydiving (even though it's on my bucket list)
5. would you rather be stuck in a cave or on the tallest rollercoaster for 6 hours?
Ans. Rollercoaster. Caves are dark and I absolutely hate the dark.
6. favorite food(s)?
Ans. Pizza, bacon, FRENCH FRIES, beef ragù, plums, etc
7. favorite subjects?
Ans. English, Science, Texas History
8. favorite youtuber(s)?
Ans. PEWDIEPIE, iisuperwomanii, Cutiepie, Miranda Sings and a lot more
9. favorite sport?
Ans. Softball
10. one internet friend you would want to meet?
Ans. I would want to meet Umme Fizz Chardae Sophie
11. weirdest question you've ever been asked?
Ans. I dunno
My questions:
1. What's your favourite colour? black
2. Cake or pie? Cake
3. Who's(re) your favourite singer(s)? A lot
4. Internet friend(s)? Too many
5. Would you rather kiss a frog or kiss a baboon? Frog
6. Sister(s) from another mister(s)? Megan Kaitlyn Jessie London
7. Do you like to travel? yes
8. What would you do if someone you don't know randomly hugs you? Hug em back
9. Who are your least favourite people? Idk
10. Do you like any bands? If you do, what band(s)? Too many
11. Who's(re) the funniest and/or weirdest person(s) you know? Chardae Kaitlyn Jessie
My questions are the sameee I'm too lazy to think of more ^^
I nominate @Mz_horan123 @ummerehmannhood @hazzastyles12519 @imdapotatoking

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Liked by: Umme

KYRAAAAA OMFG I MISSED YOU SO FCKIN MUCH WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN BISH 😭😭 (I literally imagined myself crying an ocean and then a tsunami and you drowning in my tears and me dramatically trying to save you and then you jump up all 'IM ALIVE!' 😂😂)

Hasiza’s Profile Photo.fizz.
😂😂 wtf fizz I missed you too though omg
Liked by: .fizz.


Language: English