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Should you let your dog sleep on your bed or not?

illin_ahmed’s Profile Photo♡*:.。.ILLIN(*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡
It really depends, sometimes animals can become territorial towards their sleeping area, so if it was to become a habit then maybe you wanting to sleep would have to be on another area depending on the size of the dog/bed/you. It's kind of not really too much of an issue if I would say, but then again I don't have pets.

I asked a guy to give me a baby. He said he will think about it. Am I wrong for wanting to be a single mom ? I’m done looking for love .

You're not wrong for wanting to be a single mom, but I don't think it's right for individuals to purposely want children for a personal reason. I have an understanding towards how much of a pain it is for individuals to get involved into something that they're not wanting to be involved in, and I'm pretty sure any child that have grown and was told that their mom only wanted you so that they can be a single mom, would kind of feel really awkward and messed up.

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Cereal before milk or milk before cereal?

zedweight’s Profile PhotoMichael
Cereal before milk, because you definitely don't want the cereal to be floating at the top, works really well when you add sugar to it, that way the milk would just moisten the sugar into the cereal, instead of having the sugar set at the bottom of the bowl.
Liked by: Michael

Do you like Pickle Juice

If I buy myself a pickle jar, of course I would drink some of the juice. It's like drinking vinegar. I was always a fan of sour candy and foods that have a bit of tart to it. So, it's in my opinion kind of healthy for you anyways.

Do you get pissed off easily?

yaboyhassan’s Profile PhotoAlmightyhass
I tend to have a zero tolerance towards disrespect, and knowing that my impulses by intuition has been of the upmost sense of equality, so if I feel like nobody is trying to be equal towards another, I'm going to say something for the most part. Sure, I may feel urged and irritable, but it's not like I'm meaning anything wrong.

I’m a woman with no skills. Should I be an escort or on OnlyFans?

You know, there's more one can do to actually find out their skills. You say, "You're a woman with no skills." But from you writing that question, you expressed a communication skill of writing concepts. There's a lot of aspects that majority of individuals don't really think about, just because it's not really around in their life to pay attention to it. But, giving yourself a chance in exploring concepts for at least a good month, you'd be quite surprise what one is really capable of doing.

Why do people treat you differently when you are with a parent then alone?

It's like you having your teacher around or principal, any student that's also around is going to have a more secured sense of stature. Just because for the most part, they don't want to ruin any sense of stability. Parental/guardian relationships are important in regards to a more group/family orientated growth, that can be ruined if something bad ends up happening.

she wants to go on a date every weekend and we are not together. Is that normal? I just dont feel like seeing her always. She also accused me of lying when explaining to her why I cannot go. Should I just end it all? We work together and don’t know where to hide from her…

Sometimes you just got to be real with them. Expressing to them that their assumption doesn't qualify as a factual concept, due to the means of her not physically being there around you all the time. It's a personal opinion, if they want to continue to try to attack you in regards of whether you're lying or not, then they have trust issues. Being firm towards understanding and personal awareness is what's more important and if they can't accept that, then it's normally going to create future issues.

Should I give up?

SmK70’s Profile PhotoSK
You can always take a break on things that are troubling you. If it's job related, let your manager know about it, if it's homework related, pace yourself. If it's life related, be assertive towards your development. There's too many things one can do to counter giving up.

Is it good for kids to draw on walls?

Drawing can be really helpful, but it can also be a major mess. Sometimes when you're trying to paint over a wall, the colors that was drawn onto it can still show up, which would in turn say that you waste more money trying to change a color of a wall. Maybe having a whiteboard or something would make for better usages.

Have you ever had your heart broken?

Yes I have, I was young, I cried about it, and had my sense of revenge. Kind of felt bad about it, but they deserved it, even if they tried to do the same dumb thing to someone else, that other person had another similar sense of revenge tied into it.

Why do my girl cousins feel threatened by me when they have their guy around

Maybe because they think you're prettier than them, they don't want their guy to leave them for you.

is love real actually??

grandmasterqtipp2’s Profile Photonicholas
There is, but there's no proper context of love. It's like you have to harm yourself to prove that you love another, but then you're just not loving yourself... No relationship should ever stoop to that low.

Do you want a relationship?

BonesAngela’s Profile Photo#SWEET
I do be having thoughts about relationships from time to time, I don't know whether or not I should be more involved in searching because the amount of respect towards the handicapped is diminishing, while a lot of others tend to just want the easy way through things. It's difficult for me to be intuitive without any reason if none presents itself.

Can you tell me what you've been doing for money all this time

I am disabled. My current instability prevents my means of working without any danger towards myself or others. Sure... It's a limited amount of funds per month, but that gives me plenty enough to get my life back together for the better of my sanity, and my overall health.

Why do I always see visions of you doing things with me. Am I crazy?

The only thing I see from this profile is a random anime genre character. Either you sure have a colorful way of having dreams of cartoons, or you just really throw identity out there for no reason.

What gives you anxiety?

I honestly don't believe that it's really anxiety, even if the common understanding is similar. I believe that it's just my body normally reacting to things. I don't give meaning to concepts because they're mind molding into forcing one to accept or compromise their own growth by common understanding.

Have you ever broken someone’s heart? Would you do anything differently if you could?

I don't know if I really broke anyones heart. I'm pretty sure some cases can be viewed as such, but giving one a choice to continue a relationship or ending it isn't really necessarily me being liable of breaking someones heart.

Did my ex move on? It’s been 2 months since we broke up

I'm pretty sure if you haven't talked with them for two months, they moved on. However, I'm also pretty sure just like you and everyone else out there who have been in a relationship, will still have residual memories of the past that lingers around.


Language: English